Development of a Fault Detection Model-Based Controller.- Sensitivity Generation in an Adaptive BDF-Method.- The g VERSE RF Pulse: An Optimal Approach to MRI Pulse Design.- M...
Development of a Fault Detection Model-Based Controller.- Sensitivity Generation in an Adaptive BDF-Method.- The g VERSE RF Pulse: An Optimal Approach to MRI Pulse Design.- Modelling the Performance of the Gaussian Chemistry Code on x86 Architectures.- Numerical Simulation of the December 26, 2004: Indian Ocean Tsunami.- Approximate Dynamic Programming for Generation of Robustly Stable Feedback Controllers.- Integer Programming Approaches to Access and Backbone IP Network Planning.- An Adaptive Fictitious-Domain Method for Quantitative Studies of Particulate Flows.- Adaptive Sparse Grid Techniques for Data Mining.- On the Stochastic Geometry of Birth-and-Growth Processes. Application to Material Science, Biology and Medicine.- Inverse Problem of Lindenmayer Systems on Branching Structures.- 3D Cloud and Storm Reconstruction from Satellite Image.- Providing Query Assurance for Outsourced Tree-Indexed Data.- An Adaptive Space-Sharing Scheduling Algorithm for PC-Based Clusters.- Fitting Multidimensional Data Using Gradient Penalties and Combination Techniques.- Mathematical Modelling of Chemical Diffusion through Skin using Grid-based PSEs.- Modelling Gene Regulatory Networks Using Galerkin Techniques Based on State Space Aggregation and Sparse Grids.- A Numerical Study of Active-Set and Interior-Point Methods for Bound Constrained Optimization.- Word Similarity In Word Net.- Progress in Global Optimization and Shape Design.- EDF Scheduling Algorithm for Periodic Messages On Switched Ethernet.- Large-Scale Nonlinear Programming for Multi-scenario Optimization.- On the Efficiency of Python for High-Performance Computing: A Case Study Involving Stencil Updates for Partial Differential Equations.- Designing Learning Control that is Close to Instability for Improved Parameter Identification.- Fast Numerical Methods for Simulation of Chemically Reacting Flows in Catalytic Monoliths.- A Deterministic Optimization Approach for Generating Highly Nonlinear Balanced Boolean Functions in Cryptography.- Project-Oriented Scheduler for Cluster Systems.- Optimizing Spring-Damper Design in Human Like Walking that is Asymptotically Stable Without Feedback.- Stability Optimization of Juggling.- Numerical Model of Far Turbulent Wake Behind Towed Body in Linearly Stratified Media.- A New Direction to Parallelize Winograd’s Algorithm on Distributed Memory Computers.- Stability Problems in ODE Estimation.- A Fast, Parallel Performance of Fourth Order Iterative Algorithm on Shared Memory Multiprocessors (SMP) Architecture.- Design and Implementation of a Web Services-Based Framework Using Remoting Patterns.- Simulation of Tsunami and Flash Floods.- Differentiating Fixed Point Iterations with ADOL-C: Gradient Calculation for Fluid Dynamics.- Design Patterns for High-Performance Matrix Computations.- Smoothing and Filling Holes with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions.- Constraint Hierarchy and Stochastic Local Search for Solving Frequency Assignment Problem.- Half-Sweep Algebraic Multigrid (HSAMG) Method Applied to Diffusion Equations.- Solving City Bus Scheduling Problems in Bangkok by Eligen-Algorithm.- Partitioning for High Performance of Predicting Dynamical Behavior of Color Diffusion in Water using 2-D tightly Coupled Neural Cellular Network.- Automatic Information Extraction from the Web: An HMM-Based Approach.- Advanced Wigner Method for Fault Detection and Diagnosis System.