No doubt, students appreciate the talks they have with their mentors but do they learn from it as well? Conversations can be comforting or confronting, but
Introduction; Knowledge Building through Conversation; Part 1 : Learning from Mentoring Conversations: Do We?; Mentoring Conversations and Student Teacher Learning; Eliciting Teachers’ Practical Knowledge through Mentoring Conversations in Practicum Settings: A Propositional Discourse Analysis (PDA); Feedback in the Mentoring of Teacher Learning; Feedback Provision in Mentoring Conversations: Differing Mentor and Student Perceptions on Learning from Mentoring; Part 2: Mentoring Conversation; A Two Hearted Affair; The Role of Knowledge in Mentoring Conversations; Structural Dimensions of Mentoring Conversations; The Learning Potential of Mentoring Conversations; Space Making in Mentoring Conversations; Invitational Conversations in Mentoring; Part 3: Mentor Professional Development – Learning to Become a Good Mentor; Understanding Teachers as Learners in Reading Comprehension Mentoring: Considering Teachers’ Possibilities of Change as a Way of Bridging the Distance between Teachers’Practice and Research-Based Instructional Design Programs; Self-Regulated Learning and Professional Development: How to Help Student Teachers Encourage Pupils to Use a Self-Regulated Goal-Setting Process; Mentoring: A Profession within a Profession; An Emerging Understanding of Mentors’ Knowledge Base; Does Mentor-Education Make a Difference?; So How High Has the Mountain Been Climbed?: A Reflective Overview of the Book; “It is Not Just the Talk …” – A Rejoinder.