The third book of a series of spirit communications from Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, received clairaudiently by medium Anthony Borgia, who later checked the accuracy of what he had written with Benson through a good trance medium with whom he sat for 25 years.
In these eight chapters, as well as giving insights on spirit-world life, the building of an extension to his home and other conditions, Monsignor comments on important topics, such as beauty, service, religious unity and how to achieve world-wide peace. Although originally transmitted at the end of World War II, his words still apply to our lives today, particularly in regard to unity and world peace.
He writes; ‘The realms of light teem with colour … The trees, the flowers, the grass, the very soil in which these grow and thrive, the water, whether It be of sea, river or lake, are revelations of colour in every shade, blend and tint.’
‘As the buildings are set amid beautiful gardens with a wealth of flowers and trees and lawns, the colour of the edifice must accord with its environment and not, by the power of its vividness, overwhelm the hues of nature itself.’
‘The water is wet and sparklingly clear, the light is bright and beautiful. The clothes we wear feel exquisite to the touch.’
1. My Home Enlarged
2. Past, Present, Future
3. Colour
4. Mistaken Views
5. Beauty
6. Service
7. Christian Unity
8. Peace on Earth