ผู้เขียน: Henri Dou

Henri Dou is Chairman of the CIWORLDWIDE think tank and an international consultant. He has developed teaching and research in technology intelligence, competitive intelligence, patent analysis and regional development. Alain Juillet is President of the Académie de l”Intelligence Economique and an international consultant. His expertise is recognized in geopolitics, crisis management, influence, intelligence and security at an international level. Philippe Clerc is President of the Association Internationale Francophone d”Intelligence Economique and an expert advisor in international economic intelligence at CCI France.

6 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Henri Dou

Henri Dou & Alain Juillet: Strategic Intelligence for the Future 1
Information in all its forms is at the heart of the economic intelligence process. It is also a powerful vector of innovation and, more than ever, a balance between economic and societal forces. Stra …
Henri Dou & Alain Juillet: Strategic Intelligence for the Future 1
Information in all its forms is at the heart of the economic intelligence process. It is also a powerful vector of innovation and, more than ever, a balance between economic and societal forces. Stra …
Henri Dou & Alain Juillet: Strategic Intelligence for the Future 2
Information in all its forms is at the heart of the economic intelligence process. It is also a powerful vector of innovation and, more than ever, a balance between economic and societal forces. That …
Henri Dou & Alain Juillet: Strategic Intelligence for the Future 2
Information in all its forms is at the heart of the economic intelligence process. It is also a powerful vector of innovation and, more than ever, a balance between economic and societal forces. That …
Philippe Clerc & Henri Dou: L’intelligence economique du futur 1
L’intelligence economique du futur 1 analyse la necessite pour l’intelligence economique francaise d’entreprendre une mutation afin d’assurer les nouvelles missions que sont le developpement de notre …
Philippe Clerc & Henri Dou: L’intelligence economique du futur 2
L’information sous toutes ses formes se situe au coeur de la demarche d’intelligence economique. Elle est aussi un vecteur puissant d’innovation et, plus que jamais, des rapports de forces economique …