In the past two decades, the study of prepositions has grown steadily. The papers collected in this volume bring together the multifaceted perspectives on prepositions that have been developed in contemporary linguistics. Some papers mainly discuss syntactic (and morphological) aspects of prepositions; other papers predominantly focus on cognitive aspects. All the papers are, however, concerned with the semantics of prepositions. This volume evolved from a workshop on prepositions held at Hamburg University on June 26 and 27, 1998.
Inhalt: Hubert Cuyckens / Günter Radden , Introduction. – Gisa Rauh , Prepositions, Features, and Projections. – Dagmar Haumann , The Projections of Temporal Prepositions. – Niina Ning Zhang , Movement within a Spatial Phrase. – Britta Mondorf , The Effect of Prepositional Complements on the Choice of Synthetic or Analytic Comparatives. – Günter Rohdenburg , Processing Complexity and the Variable Use of Prepositions. – Claudio Di Meola , Präpositionale Rektionsalternationen unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Grammatikalisierung. – Priska-Monika Hottenroth , Fortbewegungsverben und Ortswechsel im Französischen. – Birgitta Meex , Die Wegpräposition über. – Walter de Mulder / Anne Vanderheyden , The Evolution of French Sur. – Maaike Beliën , Force Dynamics in Static Prepositions. – Ignasi Navarro i Ferrando , Towards a Description of the Meaning of At. – Günter Radden / Elizabeth Matthis , Why Similar To, but Different From? – Hubert Cuyckens , Metonymy in Prepositions.