This analysis of South Korea’s development experience can present lessons for development in the 21st century. Situating the development experience of South Korea within the framework of the capability enhancing state, this volume examines the empowering institutions and policies of South Korea between 1945 and 2000.
1. Overview: Learning from Developmental Success; Thandika Mkandawire and Ilcheong Yi 2. Lessons from the Social Policy and Development of South Korea: An Interrogation; Thandika Mkandawire 3. The Korean Experience and the Twenty-first Century Transition to a Capability Enhancing Developmental State; Peter Evans 4. Securing the Home Market: A New Approach to Korean Development; Alice Amsden 5. Institutional Linkages between Social Protection Measures and Industrialization in South Korea; Jooha Lee 6. Development of Transformative Social Policy in South Korea: Lessons from the Korean Experience; Moo-Kwon Chung 7. The Saemaul Undong in Historical Perspective and in the Contemporary World; Mike Douglass 8. How Could Enhancement of Education and Health Contribute to Economic Growth in South Korea?; Ilcheong Yi 9. Effective Aid and Development Cooperation in South Korea; Ilcheong Yi, Olive Cocoman, You-ah Chung and Hyunjoo Rhee 10. Learning through Localizing International Transfers: South Korea’s Development Experiences; Taekyoon Kim 11. The South Korean Developmental Alliance between Business, Labour and Government; Eun Mee Kim 12. Change and Continuity in Social Policy Responses to Economic Crises in South Korea: 1979–81 versus 1997–98; Jae-jin Yang 13. Effective but Uneven: Korean Development from a Gender Perspective; Jinock Lee 14. Korean Responses to Environmental Challenges: Origins, Drivers and Impacts of Green Growth on Development; Manohar Pawar and Taewook Huh
Thandika Mkandawire is Chair in African Development at LSE and Olof Palme Visiting Professor, Swedish Research Council. Earlier he was Director of UNRISD; and Executive Secretary of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa. He has published widely on problems of policy making, adjustment and democratization.
Ilcheong Yi is Research Coordinator at UNRISD. His research interests are issues related to the developmental state, social policy in developing countries and macro-level development strategies. His recent publications are mainly related to the welfare state and health policies in developing countries.