Instabilities Modeling in Geomechanics describes complex mechanisms
which are frequently met in earthquake nucleation, geothermal energy
production, nuclear waste disposal and CO2
sequestration. These
mechanisms involve systems of non-linear differential equations that
express the evolution of the geosystem (e.g. strain localization,
temperature runaway, pore pressure build-up, etc.) at different length
and time scales.
In order to study the evolution of a system and possible instabilities, it
is essential to know the mathematical properties of the governing
equations. Therefore, questions of the existence, uniqueness and
stability of solutions naturally arise.
This book particularly explores bifurcation theory and stability analysis,
which are robust and rigorous mathematical tools that allow us to study
the behavior of complex geosystems, without even explicitly solving the
governing equations. The contents are organized into 10 chapters which
illustrate the application of these methods in various fields of
Ioannis Stefanou is Associate Professor and Researcher at Laboratoire
Navier, Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech, France.
Jean Sulem is Full Professor and Senior Researcher at Laboratoire
Navier, Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech, France.