Dementia diagnosis shocks every dynamics of your Family. The frustration challenges the Strength of your Family. The fun/funny times help keep the Family together. Whose shoes are you in? Whose world are you in? It’s one thing to view the world of dementia from the Outside looking in. It’s another thing to view the world of dementia from the inside looking out. Let’s take this trip together with some “positive reality”.
‘It’s not about me. A couple things in life that we do not want to forget about are common courtesy and common sense. Author James Butler likes to use both ‘commons’ to continually motivate patients, families, caregivers, and medical professionals who assist families affected by dementia. He has been a support to these families through Medical Center studies, ministerial support, hospice education, and community engagements. He loves making people smile, laugh, and find hope in their current situation.’