Navy SEAL Simon Morrison came home broken. But quilter Tate Stevens is slowly healing him. If only Simon’s secret didn’t endanger them both.Tate… I fell in love with a man I didn’t understand. You know how that is? Simon Morrison has long silver blond hair in a ragged ponytail and blue eyes more alive than I’ve ever seen, like he’s walked with death so everything else has burned away. He’s a warrior who came back broken, who hides in the shadows. And there’s something dangerous ab...
Navy SEAL Simon Morrison came home broken. But quilter Tate Stevens is slowly healing him. If only Simon’s secret didn’t endanger them both.Tate… I fell in love with a man I didn’t understand. You know how that is? Simon Morrison has long silver blond hair in a ragged ponytail and blue eyes more alive than I’ve ever seen, like he’s walked with death so everything else has burned away. He’s a warrior who came back broken, who hides in the shadows. And there’s something dangerous about him, but I didn’t understand until the night I ran after him and they were waiting-the other wolves. They tore into me and I died. My name is Tate Stevens and I died but something keeps me here. I can’t leave my warrior behind, no matter how much it hurts or how whatever it is I am becoming confuses me.Simon… I came back from Afghanistan with one goal-to find a place to die. But slowly, watching Tate working on his art quilts, it got so it didn’t hurt so much. I felt the colors coming back. He is my light. He is my heart. They tried to take him away from me while I screamed his name. And now he thinks he’s a monster. He is so alone. I have to find a way to bring him back to his light…