This book provides an overview of facts, theories and methods from hydrology, geology, geophysics, law, ethics, economics, ecology, engineering, sociology, diplomacy and many other disciplines with relevance for concepts and practice of water resources management. It provides comprehensive, but also critical reading material for all communities involved in the ongoing water discourses and debates.
The book refers to case studies in the form of boxes, sections, or as entire chapters. They illustrate success stories, but also lessons to be remembered, to avoid repeating the same mistakes. Based on consolidated state-of-the-art knowledge, it has been conceived and written to attract a multidisciplinary audience.
The aim of this handbook is to facilitate understanding between the participants of the international water discourse and multi-level decision making processes. Knowing more about water, but also about concepts, methods and aspirations of different professional, disciplinary communities and stakeholders professionalizes the debate and enhances the decision making.
Introduction and Guide to the Handbook of Water Resources Management: Discourses, Concepts and Examples.- Water a unique phenomenon and resource.- Water and its Management: Dependence, Linkages and Challenges.- A drop in the ocean: on writing histories of water resource management.- Water Ethics.- Water law and rights.- Water discourses.- The water security discourse and its main actors.- Water governance and policies.- Economics of water security.- Drivers, pressures and stressors: the societal framework of water resources management.- Water resources management: integrated and adaptive decision making.- Observation, monitoring and data management.- Assessment of water quantity.- Assessment of land/catchment use and degradation.- Freshwaters: global distribution, biodiversity and ecosystem services, and human pressures.- Water, energy and food relations in Gulf Cooperation Council.- Examples of water resources management options.- Examples of water and landuse management.- Water and energy.- Water management and stewardship in mining regions.- Water-related hazard and risk management.- Groundwater and conjunctive use management.- Storage Reservoir Operation and Management.- Complexity in water management and governance.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Janos J. Bogardi has been the Director of the United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) since 2003. Simultaneously he is also Vice-Rector a.i. of the Vice Rectorate in Europe since May 2007. Prof. Bogardi started his professional career as Assistant Professor at the Institute for Water Resources Management of the Technical University of Budapest. Shortly after having relocated to Germany, he became part of the scientific staff in the Federal Institute for Hydraulic Engineering in Karlsruhe, and the University of Karlsruhe, respectively. Between 1971-1973 and 1983-1985 he worked as a consulting engineer amongst others in Africa. He was then seconded by the German Agency for Technical Co-operation (GTZ) to the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Bangkok, Thailand, between 1985 and 1988. For the next almost seven years he worked as professor for Hydraulics, and quantitative Water Resource Management at the Agricultural University of Wageningen, the Netherlands. Janos Bogardi started his UN career in 1995 with the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris, France, as a Senior Programme Specialist and soon became the Chief of the Section on Sustainable Water Resources and Management.