Frank Wynne is a literary translator. He has translated works by Francophone authors including Michel Houellebecq, Patrick Modiano, Pierre Lemaitre, Ahmadou Kourouma and Virginie Despentes. Having spent almost a decade living in Latin America he began translating from Spanish in 2010, with authors including Tómas Eloy Martínez, Javier Cercas and Almudena Grandes. His work has earned various awards, including the IMPAC Prize (2002), the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize (2005), the Scott Moncrieff Prize (2008, 2016) and the Premio Valle Inclán (2012, 2014).
8 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Jean-Baptiste del Amo
Jean-Baptiste Del Amo: Animalia
Animalia retraces the history of a modest peasant family through the twentieth century as they develop their small plot of land into an intensive pig farm. In an environment dominated by the omnipres …
Jean-Baptiste Del Amo: Tierreich
Während Europa von Kriegen und Umwälzungen erschüttert wird, kämpft eine Familie von Schweinezüchtern um ihr Fortbestehen – und nutzt die in immer größerem Maßstab stattfindende Ausbeutung des Rohsto …
Jean-Baptiste Del Amo: Animalia
This “lyrically descriptive [novel] traces the terrible evolution of rural ways of life into cruelty and abuse via the history of one unhappy family.” —Kirkus Reviews 1898: In the s …
Jean-Baptiste Del Amo: O filho do homem
O filho do homem é uma história extraordinária, dolorosa e profundamente humana, que explora a transmissão da violência de geração em geração e a eterna tragédia que se desenrola entre pais e filhos. …
Jean-Baptiste Del Amo: The Son of Man
After several years of absence, a man reappears in the life of a woman and their young son. Intent on being a family again, he drives them to Les Roches, a dilapidated house in the mountains, where t …
Jean-Baptiste Del Amo: Une éducation libertine
‘C”est un homme sans vertu, sans conscience. Un libertin, un impie. Il se moque de tout, n”a que faire des conventions, rit de la morale. Ses mœurs sont, dit-on, tout à fait inconvenantes, ses habi …
Jean-Baptiste Del Amo: The Son of Man
From the author of the “extraordinary” Animalia (Sunday Times), winner of the Republic of Consciousness Prize and finalist for the Lambda Literary Award and Best Translated Book Award, a blazing new …
Jean-Baptiste Del Amo: Der Menschensohn
Nach Jahren der Abwesenheit taucht er plötzlich wieder auf: Der Mann steht am Hauseingang, eine Zigarette im Mundwinkel, und mustert den Sohn. Das harmonische Duo aus Mutter und Kind soll wieder eine …