Marco Panza, Philosopher and Historian of Mathematics and Logic. After his studies in Italy and France, he has worked in Geneva, Nantes, Mexico, Barcelona, Paris and South California. He is presently Research Director at the CNRS (IHPST) and Kennedy Professor of Philosophy at Chapman University. His main research interests and major publications concern the history of Greek, Earl-Modern and 18th-century Mathematics, the foundational program of G. Frege, including his recent legacy, the present discussion about the nature of Mathematical Objects in the light of a Philosophy of Mathematical Practice.
Daniele C. Struppa is the President of Chapman University, where he also holds the Donald Bren Presidential Chair in Mathematics. After his studies at the University of Milano and his doctorate at the University of Maryland, College Park, he held positions at the University of Milano, at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, at the University of Calabria, at George Mason University, and finally at Chapman University. His main current interests are in hypercomplex analysis, and in the applications of Fourier Analysis to Quantum Physics, with particular emphasis on the theory of superoscillations.
Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz is Professor emeritus at the University Paris Diderot. After his studies at Paris Sorbonne, and Paris Jussieu, as a student of Ecole Normale Supérieure, he was Lecturer at Paris 7, Paris 10 Nanterre, and professor at Bordeaux and Paris Diderot. He was President of the Philosophy jury of ENS and of the Philosophy Commission of the National Committee of Universities. He received the Great Prize of the Academy of science and Prize of the City of Paris. He is currently working on extensions of schema theory (F1) and the transformations this implies for philosophy.
4 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz
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Francois Norguet & Salomon Ofman: Géométrie complexe. Tome II
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