Delivers a transcendent worldview uniting science, metaphysics and a cosmology of Love, in the service of healing humanity
This innovative publication addresses metaphysics as a core consideration and foundation for the evolution of nursing in the context of Watson’s Unitary Care Science. If affirms and invites a maturing of the nursing profession and its developing consciousness of human-universe as the substance of Unitary Caring Science, along with its basis in the evolving cosmology of love. Within this conceptual framework the book examines metaphysics and the non-physical, invisible, spirit realm of human experiences, health, and healing, creating a new space to explore the relationship between science and spirit phenomena generally eschewed in Western thought.
Addressing such topics as the meaning of metaphysics and why now is an ideal moment to pursue a unity of nursing and metaphysics, the book describes the personal, metaphysical and mystical experiences of the author and other contributors as a catalyst for readers to awaken and examine their own such experiences. Using an evolved Unitary Caring Science worldview of what is considered real and true within this paradigm and beyond Western science, the text honors the self in relation to diverse, unique experiences of patients from all backgrounds and belief systems. It explores personal experiences that cannot be explained using the dominant worldview and seeks to integrate science and metaphysics as a core branch of philosophy. A metaphysical understanding of nursing’s unitary relational worldview of oneness as foundation for mature discipline and practice provides nurses with a philosophical, theoretical, and scientific foundation for the evolution of humankind. The text also explores the cosmology of Love as the foundational energy of life and the basis of a new call to the nursing profession to awaken their ancient and future role as metaphysicians of caring, health, and healing.
Key Features:
- Provides metaphysical evidence and a deep philosophical understanding of the role of metaphysics and the cosmology of Love within Watson’s Unitary Caring Science
- Disseminates these teachings through the writings of prominent nurse scholars, philosophers, theologians, scientists, and historians
- Includes personal moments, messages, and quotes to create evocative imaginative meanings and inspiration to metaphysical phenomena
- Demonstrates how the concept of soul and spirit can be metaphysically reconciled as a real and true phenomena of concern within nursing
- Explores Unitary Caring Science in depth in relation to mature nursing phenomena and a worldview encompassing healing and health
Chapter 1. Metaphysics as Starting Point
Chapter 2. Embodiment of Metaphysics. What and Why?
Chapter 3. Non-Local Consciousness
Chapter 4. Epistemology of Metaphysics
Chapter 5. Ontology of Metaphysics. No Boundaries
Chapter 6. Noetic Metaphysics Transpersonal Consciousness
Chapter 7. Quantum Unitary Transpersonal Caring and Metaphysics
Chapter 8. Metaphysics and the Ethics of Face
Chapter 9. Metaphysics and Ethics of Belonging
Chapter 10. Metaphysics, Poetics, and Nature
Chapter 11. Metaphysics–Indigenous Nature
Chapter 12. An Old/New Story of Human Nature–Universe
Chapter 13. Metaphysics Beauty—The Elixir of Life
Chapter 14. Nursing Cosmology of Love
Chapter 15. Alchemy of Metaphysics
Chapter 16. Metaphysics of Health/Illness
Chapter 17. Nurse as Metaphysician
Chapter 18. Metaphysical to Metaverse?
Chapter 19. Metaphysics of Voice
Chapter 20. Language. Universals of Human Caring
Chapter 21. Metaphysics of Language. Nursing Songline
Chapter 22. Metaphysical Critiquing of Language from Competencies to Ontological (Caritas) Literacy
Chapter 23. Metaphysical Leadership Literacy Unitary Caring
Chapter 24. Metaphysics of Ontological Design
Chapter 25. International Ontological Nursing Design
Chapter 26. Integrative Summary Unitary Caring Science Cosmology. Watson Unitary Caring Science
Chapter 27. Sacred Activism
Jean Watson, Ph D, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN, is distinguished professor emerita and dean emerita of the School of Nursing at the University of Colorado. She is the founder of the Center for Human Caring in Colorado, a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, and a past president of the National League for Nursing. Dr. Watson is a widely published author and recipient of several awards and honors, including an international Kellogg Fellowship in Australia, a Fulbright Research Award in Sweden, and five honorary doctoral degrees, including Honorary International Doctor of Science awards from Goteborg University, Sweden, and Luton University, London. Dr. Watson’s caring philosophy is used to guide new models of caring and healing practices in diverse settings worldwide. At the University of Colorado, Dr. Watson holds the title of distinguished professor of nursing, the highest honor accorded its faculty for scholarly work.