Soheila Pashang, MSW, Ph D is a Professor and Academic Coordinator in the Department of Health and Sciences, Social Service Worker – Immigrants and Refugees Program at Seneca College. She has over two decades of professional work as a social worker within interdisciplinary fields in Toronto. Her area of professional practice and academic work is informed by gender, equity, and social justice grounded in anti-racism and colonialism and anti-oppression perspectives. By relying on arts informed strategies, professor Pashang focuses on the issues of forced displacement, illegalized migration, Canadian immigration system, human service organizations, gender violence, trauma and mental health. She is a recipient of a number of awards for her contributions towards the front-line work, advocacy, and academic achievement, and has published poetry, books, and chapters.
Nazilla Khanlou, RN, Ph D is the Women”s Health Research Chair in Mental Health in the Faculty of Health at York University and an Associate Professor in its School of Nursing. Professor Khanlou”s clinical background is in psychiatric nursing. Her overall program of research is situated in the interdisciplinary field of community-based mental health promotion in general, and mental health promotion among youth and women in multicultural and immigrant-receiving settings in particular. She has received grants from peer-reviewed federal and provincial research funding agencies. She is founder of the International Network on Youth Integration (INYI), an international network for knowledge exchange and collaboration on youth. She has published articles, chapters, and books on youth, women, and mental health.
Jennifer Clarke, MSW, RSW, Ph D (c) is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at Ryerson University. Her teaching, research and practice are grounded in anti-oppression, critical race, and anti-Black racism perspectives in the areas of social work education; childwelfare; and K-12 public education. Her overall program of research explores the intersections of race, child welfare and education, with a focus on surveillance, racial profiling, criminalization, and the pathways of confinement via zero tolerance school safety-to-prison pipeline; grief and trauma among Black families who lose children; social issues in the Caribbean; and critical policy analysis. She is the recipient of multiple research grants and awards, has published several peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, and currently a guest editor for the Journal of Critical Anti-Oppressive Social Inquiry (CAOS).
6 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Jennifer Clarke
Lynda Cheldelin Fell & Jennifer Clarke: Grief Diaries
Part of the 5-star book series, Grief Diaries: Surviving Loss of a Pregnancy features the stories of mothers seeking to find hope and healing in the aftermath of losing first, second, an …
Soheila Pashang & Nazilla Khanlou: Today’s Youth and Mental Health
This book focuses on the social and intersectional determinants of mental health among youth. The innovative and cutting edge text arises out of multidisciplinary fields of academic, researchers, pol …
Jennifer Clarke & Asteris Huliaras: Austerity and the Third Sector in Greece
Organised civil society in Greece is generally regarded as weak with rankings for associational density, volunteerism and levels of social capital traditionally among the lowest in Europe. Austerity …
Jennifer Clarke & Asteris Huliaras: Austerity and the Third Sector in Greece
Organised civil society in Greece is generally regarded as weak with rankings for associational density, volunteerism and levels of social capital traditionally among the lowest in Europe. Austerity …
Jennifer Clarke & Delores V. Mullings: African, Caribbean and Black People’s Resilience During COVID-19
1Add to cart Price: $39.95Page Count: 280Publication Date: November 2023ISBN: 978-1-77258-467-7The COVID-19 pandemic has made transparent the insidiousness of institutional anti-Black racism and its …
Jennifer Clarke & Delores V. Mullings: African, Caribbean and Black People’s Resilience During COVID-19
1Add to cart Price: $39.95Page Count: 280Publication Date: November 2023ISBN: 978-1-77258-467-7The COVID-19 pandemic has made transparent the insidiousness of institutional anti-Black racism and its …