When the rivers run dry–water solutions for a thirsty planet.
In the Age of Scarcity now upon us, fresh water shortages are an increasingly serious global problem. With water restrictions emerging in many developed countries and water diversions for industrial, urban, and environmental reasons stirring up oceans of controversy, there is a growing thirst for innovative approaches to reducing our water footprint.
Dry Run shows the best ways to manage scarce water resources and handle upcoming urban water crises. Featuring original interviews with more than twenty-five water researchers and industry experts, this book explains water issues and proposes solutions for homes, buildings, facilities, and schools. Examining the vital linkages between water, energy use, urban development, and climate change, Dry Run demonstrates best practices for achieving “net zero” water use in the built environment, including:
- Water conservation strategies for buildings, factories, cities, and Rainwater harvesting
- Graywater reuse and water reclamation systems
- Water efficiency retrofits
- On-site sewage treatment
- New water reuse and supply technologies
Ideal for concerned citizens, building managers, homeowners, architects, engineers, developers, and public officials faced with charting a course in a more arid future, Dry Run overflows with practical solutions.
Jerry Yudelson , PE, LEED AP, leads the Yudelson Associates consultancy and is a leading authority on green building, clean water, and sustainable development. He is the author of eleven books, including Choosing Green and Green Building A to Z .
Foreword, by Professor Sharon B. Megdal
1. A Short History of Water
Part I: The Coming Water Crisis
2. Patterns of Water Use
3. Urban Water Crises
4. Urban Water Management
5. Water Use in Commercial and Institutional Buildings
6. Water Use in the Home
Part II: The Colors of Water
7. Blue Water
8. Graywater
9. Brown Water
10. Blackwater
11. Green Water
12. Zen Water
13. New Water
Part III: Preventing the Next Urban Water Crisis
14. Responding to Water Crises: A Tale of Four Cities
15. Ten Steps to Preventing the Next Urban Water Crisis
Epilogue: Water and Sustainability
Appendix I: Glossary
Appendix II: Resources
Appendix III: List of Interviews
About the Author
Jerry Yudelson is the president of Yudelson Associates, green building consultants. He has trained over 3, 000 people in the LEED green building rating system. He chairs Greenbuild, the world’s largest green building conference, and has written six books on green building, including Green Building A to Z (New Society Publishers).