Little is known about the experiences of children living in families affected by severe and enduring mental illness. This is the first in-depth study of children and young people caring for parents affected in this way. Drawing on primary research data collected from 40 families, the book presents the perspectives of children (young carers), their parents and the key professionals in contact with them. Children caring for parents with mental illness makes an invaluable contribution to the growing evidence base on parental mental illness and outcomes for children. It: · is the first research-based text to examine the experiences and needs of children caring for parents with severe mental illness; · provides the perspectives of children, parents and key professionals in contact with these families; · reviews existing medical, social, child protection and young carers literatures on parental mental illness and consequences for children; · provides a chronology and guide to relevant law and policy affecting young carers and parents with severe mental illness; · makes concrete recommendations and suggestions for improving policy and professional practice; · contributes to the growing evidence base on parental mental illness and outcomes for children and families.
Jo Aldridge is a Research Fellow and co-founder of the Young Carers Research Group, Centre for Child and Family Research at Loughborough University, England. She has researched and written extensively on children with caring responsibilities within the family and on children’s rights. Saul Becker is Professor of Social Policy and Social Care and Associate Director of the Centre for Child and Family Research at Loughborough University. He has researched and published widely on community care, poverty and social care, social security and young carers.