John and Tina Block reside in a small town in Nebraska. Tina spent her childhood in New Jersey, including many, many days jumping rope in her driveway, where she could hear the school bell ring. Those years include joyous memories that she is sharing with you now in this book. She moved to Nebraska to live with her husband of forty years, where they have stayed active—raising four children while engaged in farming and in operating a retail, wholesale greenhouse business. They have proven that staying active is most beneficial, both mentally and physically. Life has kept them hopping!
2 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย John Block
John Block: It’s a Hop, Skip, and Jump for Fitness and for Fun!
An intriguing, motivated book explores skipping ropeits history, its health benefits and the good ol ditties we used to sing! Grab a rope, or just skip in place; jump with joy in your heart and bring …