List of Figures.
List of Tables.
List of Contributors.
Part I: Introduction to the New Chinese City:.
1. Three Challenges for the Chinese City: Globalization,
List of Figures.
List of Tables.
List of Contributors.
Part I: Introduction to the New Chinese City:.
1. Three Challenges for the Chinese City: Globalization,
Migration and Market Reform: John R Logan (University of
2. The Present Situation and Prospective Development of the
Shanghai Urban Community: Duo Wu (East China Normal University) and
Taibin Li (Shanghai Young Administrative Cadres College).
3. The Development of the Chinese Metropolis in the Period of
Transition: Xiaopei Yan (Zhongshan University), Li Jia (Zhongshan
University), Jianping Li (Zhongshan University) and Jizhuan Weng
(Zhongshan University).
Part II: Globalization and Urban Development:.
4. The Prospect of International Cities in China: Yixing Zhou
(Peking University).
5. An Entrepreneurial City in Action: Emerging Strategies for
(Inter-) Urban Competition in Hong Kong: Ngai-Ling Sum (University
of Lancaster).
6. The Hong Kong/Pearl River Delta Urban Region: An Emerging
Transnational Mode of Regulation or Just Muddling Through?: Alan
Smart (University of Calgary).
7. The State, Capital, and Urban Restructuring in Post-Reform
Shanghai: Zhengji Fu (King’s College London).
8. The Transformation of Suzhou: The Case of the Collaboration
between the China and Singapore Governments and Transnational
Corporations (1992-1999): Alexius Pereira (National University of
Part III: Market Reform and the New Processes fo Urban
9. Market Transition and the Commodification of Housing in Urban
China: Min Zhou (University of California at Los Angeles) and John
R Logan (University of Albany).
10. Real Estate Development and the Transformation of Urban
Space in Chinese Transitional Economy: With Special Reference to
Shanghai: Fulong Wu (University of Southampton).
11. Social Research and the Localization of Chinese Urban
Planning Practice: Some Ideas from Quanzhou, Fujian: Daniel B
Abramson (University of British Colombia), Michael Leaf (University
of British Colombia) and Tan Ying (formerly Tsinghua
Part IV: Urban Impacts of Migration:.
12. Migrant Enclaves in Chinese Large Cities: Fan Jie (Chinese
Academy of Sciences and Peking Normal University) and Wolfgang
Taubmann (University of Bremen).
13. Social Polarization and Segregation in Beijing: Chaolin Gu
(Nanjing University) and Haiyong Liu (University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill).
14. Temporary Migrants in Shanghai: Housing and Settlement
Patterns: Weiping Wu (Virginia Commonwealth University).
Part V: Urbanization of the Countryside:.
15. Return Migrant Entrepreneurs and Economic Diversification in
Two Counties in South Jiangxi, China: Rachel Murphy (University of
16. Region-Based Urbanization in Post-Reform China: Spatial
Restructuring in the Pearl River Delta: George C S Lin (The
University of Hong Kong).