In Biblical Themes John P. Davis seeks to present a overview of themes that are central to biblical theology. In Scripture God has chosen to reveal the glory of the Triune God through the person and work of Jesus Christ. The Revelation of God in and through Jesus Christ is the interpretive fulcrum for all of Scripture. This summary intends to present an example of biblical theology in which the themes of Creation, Consummation, Corruption, Covenant, and Church find their meaning and significance in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
In 1970, Jesus Christ rescued John P. Davis from the dominion of sin and began a work of gospel transformation which continues to this day. John has planted and pastored churches for forty-six years in both urban and suburban settings and in mono-cultural and multi-ethnic settings. He is thankful for a good theological education, especially in his Th M studies at Westminster Theological Seminary. He has been the husband of Dawn for forty-seven years and is the father of five children and a grandfather of thirteen.