John Philip Jones is a name you know. . . . with opinions you value. . . . and updated and current information. Here is everything you need to know about advertising. —Don E. Schultz, Northwestern University John Philip Jones has edited a comprehensive handbook of the theory and practice of international advertising. The subject in not treated in isolation, but rather linked to overall trends in business globalization. An authoritative cast of chapter authors, representing academics and professionals from ten different countries, examine all aspects of international advertising, from broad concepts and issues to developments in specific countries and cutting-edge techniques developed outside of the United States.
Introduction – John Philip Jones
The Vicissitudes of International Advertising
International Advertising Developments – Ashish Banerjee
International Advertising – Roderick White
How Far Can It Fly?
Alice in Disneyland – Jeremy Bullmore
A Creative View of International Advertising
Brand and Consumer Values in Global Marketing – Harold F Clark Jr
Mapping Cultural Values for Global Marketing and Advertising – Marieke de Mooij
Women as an Advertising Target – Rena Bartos
An International Overview
Media May Be Global – But Is Youth? – Rosemary Ford and Adam Phillips
Rational Arguments and Emotional Envelopes – John Philip Jones
American and British Advertising Compared
The Power of Advertising, Myths and Realities – Thorolf Helgesen
Evidence from Norway
Print Advertising – and How an American Creative Man Learned to Operate in an International Environment – Jonathan Brand
The Emergence of Advertising in Russia – Ludmilla Gricenko Wells
Australia – Paul Gaskin
A Western or Eastern Advertising Market?
The Emperor′s New Clothes – Jill Powell
A View from Australia on the Creative Process
Japan – John Philip Jones
The Advertising Agency Scene
The Asian Pacific Tigers – Michael Ewing
Is India an Asian Tiger? – John Philip Jones
China – Hong Cheng
Advertising Yesterday and Today
How Single-Source Research First Developed – Colin Mc Donald
Short-Term Advertising Strength (STAS) – Thorolf Helgesen and Morten Micalsen
New Empirical Evidence from Norway
The Effectiveness of Television Advertising in France – Laurent Battais and Laurent Spitzer
Test Marketing – and Some Notes on Iceland, a Totally Isolated Marketing Environment – David Wheeler
Modelling the Marketing Process – Roger M Brookin
Innovation from Japan
Media Synergy – Rolf Speetzen
Evidence from Germany
What Do We Know of Mixed Media Effects? – Adrian Weser
More Evidence from Germany
Advertising Likability – Erik Du Plessis
A View from South Africa
Pioneer Work on Advertising Evaluation – Chris Baker
The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) Advertising Effectiveness Awards
John Philip Jones entered academe in 1981 after a 25-year career in advertising with J. Walter Thompson in Europe, is a tenured Professor in the Newhouse School at Syracuse University, and was Chairman of the Advertising Department for seven years. He has published ten books on advertising and numerous journal articles, and his work has been translated into German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Portuguese, Turkish and Arabic. In 1991, John Philip Jones was named by the American Advertising Federation as the Distinguished Advertising Educator of the Year. In the same year he became a member of the Council of Judges of the Advertising Hall of Fame. In 1994, he was elected a member of the National Advertising Review Board. In 1996, he received a major award from Cowles Business Media and the American Association of Advertising Agencies for leadership in the media field. There were two prize winners, the other being NBC Sports. He received the Telmar Award in 1997, for extending the concept of Short-Term Advertising Strength (STAS) from television to print media. In 2001, he received the Syracuse University Chancellor’s Citation for Exceptional Academic Achievement.