Including three of his most famous and important essays,
Utilitarianism, On Liberty, and Essay on
Bentham, along with formative selections from Jeremy Bentham
and John Austin, this volume provides a uniquely perspicuous view
of Mill’s ethical and political thought.
* * Contains Mill’s most famous and influential works,
Utilitarianism and On Liberty as well as his
important Essay on Bentham.
* Uses the 1871 edition of Utilitarianism, the last to be
published in Mill’s li...
Introduction by Mary Warnock 1
An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (chapters I-V) 17
Bentham (from Dissertations and Discussions, vol...
Mary Warnock (1924 – 2019) was an English moral philosopher and Mistress of Girton College, Cambridge from 1984 until 1991. She was made a life peer in 1985 and giv...