In this collection of stories by ex-Mormon author Johnny Townsend, we see a missionary cope with the startling discovery that his companion has been translated off the face of the Earth. A teenage girl pretends to be her brother so she can ‘hold the priesthood’ for at least a day.
A young man taught that loved ones watch over family members from the Other Side keeps imagining his grandmother catching him masturbating. A former prostitute, now a faithful Latter-day Saint, finds that some of her fellow congregants can’t get beyond her past. A schizophrenic Single Adult leads a secret life no one in her congregation suspects.
The Day My Sister Held the Priesthood
That Time the Single Adults in My Ward All
Decided They Wanted to Be Murdered
The Translation of Elder Bauman
Casting the Last Stone
Secret Agent of the Esplanade Ward
The Media Fast
The Tree of Li(f)e
The Organ Donor
To Serve Man
Exit Interview
The Merit Badge
Faith-Promoting Faith
Grandma Is a Slutty Perv
Garbage Everywhere
The Dissociative Singularity of the Gods
Foreseeing the Future
A climate crisis immigrant who relocated from New Orleans to Seattle in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Johnny Townsend wrote the first account of the Up Stairs Lounge fire, an attack on a French Quarter gay bar which killed 32 people in 1973. He was an associate producer for the documentary Upstairs Inferno, for the sci-fi film Time Helmet, and for the deaf gay short Flirting, with Possibilities. His books include Please Evacuate, Racism by Proxy, and Wake Up and Smell the Missionaries. His novel, Orgy at the STD Clinic, set entirely on public transit, details political extremism, climate upheaval, and anti-maskers in the midst of a pandemic.