Jonathan Dancy & Ernest Sosa 
A Companion to Epistemology [PDF ebook] 


With nearly 300 entries on key concepts, review essays on central issues, and self-profiles by leading scholars, this companion is the most comprehensive and up-to-date single volume reference guide to epistemology.

  • Epistemology from A-Z is comprised of 296 articles on important epistemological concepts that have been extensively revised to bring the volume up-to-date, with many new and re-written entries reflecting developments in the field

  • Includes 20 new self-profiles by leading epistemologists

  • Contains 10 new review essays on central issues of epistemology



List of Contributors xiii

Preface to the First Edition xix

Preface to the Second Edition xxiii

Part I Ten Review Essays 1

Skepticism and Closure Anthony Brueckner 3

Contextualism Richard Feldman 12

Foundations and Coherence Michael Huemer 22

Recent Work on the Internalism–Externalism Controversy Laurence Bon Jour 33

A Priori Knowledge Albert Casullo 43

The Common Sense Tradition Noah Lemos 53

The Power of Perception Peter Markie 62

Virtue Epistemology John Greco 75

Social Epistemology Alvin Goldman 82

Bayesian Epistemology Alan Hájek and Stephan Hartmann 93

Part II Twenty Epistemological Self-profiles 107

Robert Audi 109

Laurence Bon Jour 114

Stewart Cohen 118

Earl Conee and Richard Feldman 123

Fred Dretske 130

Richard Foley 134

Richard Fumerton 139

Alvin I. Goldman 144

Gilbert Harman 152

Peter Klein 156

Hilary Kornblith 163

Keith Lehrer 168

Alvin Plantinga 173

John Pollock 178

Ernest Sosa 185

Barry Stroud 190

Michael Williams 194

Timothy Williamson 199

Crispin Wright 204

Linda Zagzebski 210

Part III Epistemology from A to Z 217

(Entries without author list cross references)

A 219

a priori/a posteriori Albert Casullo 219

abduction Christopher Hookway 221

absurdity Robert S. Tragesser 221

Academy (Plato) Nicholas P. White 221

act/object analysis Michael Pendlebury 222

adverbial theory Michael Pendlebury 222

agnosticism Alvin Plantinga 223

Alston, William P. (1921–2009) Robert Audi 223

analyticity Jerrold J. Katz 224

anamnesis Nicholas P. White 230

antinomy Robert S. Tragesser 230

apodeictic Robert S. Tragesser 231

aporia Robert S. Tragesser 231

apperception David Mc Naughton 231

Aquinas, Thomas (1225–74) Scott Mac Donald 231

argument Albert Casullo 235

argument from analogy Jonathan Dancy 235

argument from illusion Richard Fumerton 236

Aristotle (384–322 BC) Terence Irwin 240

Armstrong, David M. (1926–) Adrian Heathcote 244

association Barry Stroud 245

ataraxia Charlotte Stough 245

Augustine, St (354–430) Scott Mac Donald 245

Austin, John L(angshaw) (1911–60) Graham Bird 247

avowals David Pears 249

axiomatization, axiomatics Robert S. Tragesser 249

Ayer, A(lfred) J(ules) (1910–89) Graeme Forbes 250

B 253

Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam (1561–1626) G. A. J. Rogers 253

basic belief Matthias Steup 253

behaviourism Edward Erwin 254

belief John Heil 254

belief in and belief that John Heil 259

Bergmann, Gustav (1906–87) Laird Addis 260

Berkeley, George (1685–1753) Michael Ayers 261

Blanshard, Brand (1892–1987) Michael Williams 264

Brentano, Franz (1838–1917) R. M. Chisholm 265

burden of proof Douglas N. Walton 266

C 267

Carnap, Rudolf (1891–1970) Wesley C. Salmon 267

Cartesianism John Cottingham 268

causal theories in epistemology Carl Ginet 268

certainty Peter D. Klein 272

Chisholm, Roderick (1916–99) Richard Foley 275

circular reasoning Douglas N. Walton 277

cogito John Cottingham 277

coherentism Keith Lehrer 278

collective belief Margaret Gilbert 281

commonsensism and critical cognitivism Noah H. Lemos 282

concepts Christopher Peacocke 285

Continental epistemology Linda Alcoff 287

convention Robert S. Tragesser 292

conversational implicature Duncan Pritchard 293

criteria and knowledge Bruce Hunter 294

criterion, canon Bruce Hunter 298

critical cognitivism 299

D 300

Davidson, Donald (1930–2003) Ernest Lepore 300

death of epistemology Michael Williams 301

defeasibility Bruce Hunter 304

definition Robert S. Tragesser 305

Derrida, Jacques (1930–2004) Samuel C. Wheeler III 306

Descartes, René (1596–1650) John Cottingham 306

Dewey, John (1859–1952) Peter H. Hare 310

dialectic (Hegel) Kenneth R. Westphal 312

dialectic (Plato) Nicholas P. White 313

different constructions in terms of “knows” Jaakko Hintikka 313

direct realism L. S. Carrier 318

disposition John Heil 322

dogmatism Alvin Plantinga 322

doxastic voluntarism Sharon Ryan 322

Dutch book argument 325

E 326

empiricism Bruce Hunter 326

Epicurus (c.341–271 BC) Phillip Mitsis 331

epistemic deontologism Sharon Ryan 332

epistemic luck Mylan Engel 336

epistemic supervenience John Turri 340

epistemic virtue Guy Axtell 343

epoche Dagfinn Follesdal 347

essence (Husserl) Dagfinn Follesdal 347

essence (Plato) Nicholas P. White 348

essentialism 348

ethics and epistemology Jonathan Dancy 348

evidence Richard Feldman 349

evolutionary argument against naturalism Omar Mirza 351

evolutionary epistemology Edward Stein 354

existence Christopher Hookway 356

experience, theories of Michael Pendlebury 357

explanation Wesley C. Salmon 361

external world 364

externalism/internalism Laurence Bon Jour 364

F 369

fact/value Robert Audi 369

fallibilism Adam Leite 370

feminist epistemology Lorraine Code 375

first philosophy Christopher Hookway 380

Firth, Roderick (1917–87) John Troyer 380

Foucault, Michel (1926–84) Linda Alcoff 381

foundationalism William P. Alston 382

Frege, Gottlob (1848–1925) David Bell 385

Freud, Sigmund (1856–1939) Jim Hopkins 387

G 389

Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1900–2002) Linda Alcoff 389

genetic epistemology Richard F. Kitchener 389

genetic fallacy Douglas N. Walton 393

geometry Wesley C. Salmon 393

Gettier problem Paul K. Moser 395

given, the Alan H. Goldman 397

Goodman, Nelson (1906–98) Catherine Z. Elgin 400

Grice, H. Paul (1913–88) Richard E. Grandy 402

H 404

Habermas, Jürgen (1929–) Hans-Johann Glock 404

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770–1831) Kenneth R. Westphal 405

Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976) Charles Guignon 408

Hempel, Carl Gustav (1905–97) Jaegwon Kim 409

Hempel’s paradox of the ravens Peter Achinstein 410

hermeneutics Charles Guignon 412

Hintikka, Jaakko (1929–) Risto Hilpinen 413

historical knowledge Jack W. Meiland 414

historicism David Bakhurst 416

Hobbes, Thomas (1588–1679) Tom Sorell 417

holism Christopher Hookway 420

Hume, David (1711–76) Barry Stroud 420

Husserl, Edmund (1859–1938) Dagfinn Follesdal 423

I 425

idea R. S. Woolhouse 425

idealism Nicholas Rescher 425

ideology David Bakhurst 429

illusion 431

immediacy, presence Alan H. Goldman 431

in itself/for itself M. Okrent 432

incorrigibility William P. Alston 433

indeterminacy of reference Christopher Hookway 433

indeterminacy of translation Christopher Hookway 434

Indian epistemology J. N. Mohanty 434

indubitability William P. Alston 438

induction, problem of 438

induction: enumerative and hypothetical Gilbert Harman 438

infallibility William P. Alston 444

inference Robert S. Tragesser 444

inference to the best explanation Richard Fumerton 445

infinite regress argument John F. Post 447

informal fallacies Douglas N. Walton 450

innate ideas G. A. J. Rogers 454

introspection Vrinda Dalmiya 456

intuition and deduction Robert S. Tragesser 460

intuition in epistemology Bruce Russell 464

isostheneia Charlotte Stough 468

J 469

James, William (1842–1910) Peter H. Hare 469

judgement John Heil 470

justification Matthias Steup 471

K 472

Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804) James van Cleeve 472

KK-thesis Risto Hilpinen 476

knower paradox 476

knowledge 476

knowledge and belief Steven Luper 476

knowledge by acquaintance/by description David B. Martens 479

knowledge how, who, why etc. 482

knowledge-seeking by questioning Jaakko Hintikka 483

L 487

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646–1716) R. C. Sleigh, JR 487

Lewis, Clarence Irving (1883–1964) John Troyer 489

limits of human knowledge Nicholas Rescher 490

linguistic understanding Christopher Peacocke 492

literature and knowledge Paisley Livingston 497

Locke, John (1632–1704) R. S. Woolhouse 500

logical construction R. M. Sainsbury 503

logical empiricism 504

logical positivism Barry Stroud 504

logicism David Bell 506

lottery paradox Jonathan Vogel 506

luck, epistemic 511

M 512

Marxism David Bakhurst 512

mathematical knowledge Mark Steiner 514

memory Tom Senor 520

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (1908–61) John J. Compton 524

methodology Wesley C. Salmon 525

Mill, John Stuart (1806–73) John Skorupski 525

Molyneux’s problem Steve Smith 527

Montaigne, Michel de (1533–92) Richard H. Popkin 528

Moore, G(eorge) E(dward) (1873–1958) Thomas Baldwin 529

Moore’s paradox Roy A. Sorensen 531

moral epistemology Jonathan Dancy 532

myth of the given 537

N 538

naïve realism 538

natural science, epistemology of Wesley C. Salmon 538

naturalism Philip Pettit 542

naturalized epistemology Hilary Kornblith 543

necessary/contingent David Blumenfeld 546

necessity, modal knowledge Albert Casullo 547

Neoplatonism S. Strange 548

Neurath, Otto (1882–1945) Andy Hamilton 549

Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844–1900) Alexander Nehamas 551

nihilism 552

noumenal/phenomenal James van Cleve 552

Nozick, Robert (1940–2002) Sherrilyn Roush 554

Nyvya J. N. Mohanty 556

O 558

objective/subjective Robert Audi 558

objectivity David Bell 559

Ockham, William of (c.1285–1347) Marilyn Mc Cord Adams 562

ontological commitment Christopher Hookway 563

ontological relativity Christopher Hookway 564

ostensive definition P. M. S. Hacker 564

other minds Akeel Bilgrami 566

P 572

paradox Jonathan Vogel 572

paradox of the knower C. Anthony Anderson 572

paradoxes of analysis Felicia Ackerman 574

paranormal knowledge Patrick Grim 577

Peirce, Charles S. (1839–1914) Christopher Hookway 580

perceptual knowledge Fred Dretske 581

perspectivism 586

phenomenalism Richard Fumerton 586

phenomenology Charles Guignon 590

philosophical knowledge Felicia Ackerman 590

Plato (c.429–347 BC) Nicholas White 593

Popper, Karl (1902–94) Anthony O’Hear 597

positivism 599

pragmatism Susan Hack 599

preface paradox Earl Conee 604

presence 606

presocratic epistemology J. H. Lesher 606

prima facie reasons Jonathan Dancy 609

primary and secondary qualities Barry Stroud 609

principle of charity Ernest Lepore 613

principle of contradiction Robert S. Tragesser 613

principle of credulity William P. Alston 614

principle of identity Robert A. Tragesser 615

private language argument P. M. S. Hacker 616

probability, theories of Brian Skyrms 622

problem of the criterion Matthias Steup 626

problem of the external world George Pappas 628

problem of induction 634

problem of other minds 634

problem of rule-following Philip Pettit 634

problems of induction Laurence Bon Jour 638

projection, projectibility Catherine Z. Elgin 643

proof Robert S. Tragesser 643

propositional knowledge Robert K. Shope 644

protocol sentences Andy Hamilton 649

psychologism David Bell 649

psychology and epistemology Edward Erwin 649

Putnam, Hilary (1926–) Thomas Tymoczko 654

Pyrrhonism Charlotte Stough 655

Q 657

Quine, Willard Van Orman (1908–2000) Christopher Hookway 657

R 659

rationalism Edwin Curley 659

rationality L. Jonathan Cohen 663

realism Philip Pettit 668

reasons/causes Robert Audi 672

Reichenbach, Hans (1891–1953) Wesley C. Salmon 673

Reid, Thomas (1710–96) Keith Lehrer 674

reification, hypostatization Christopher Hookway 676

relativism Harvey Siegel 676

relevant alternatives Stewart Cohen 678

reliabilism Alvin Goldman 681

religious belief, epistemology of Alvin Plantinga 692

religious belief, epistemology of – recent developments Michael Bergmann 697

representation Robert Cummins 699

representative realism Frank Jackson 702

Rescher, Nicholas (1928–) Robert Almeder 705

Rorty, Richard (1931–2007) Michael Williams 706

rule-following 707

Russell, Bertrand Arthur William (1872–1970) R. M. Sainsbury 707

Ryle, Gilbert (1900–76) Graham Bird 709

S 712

safety 712

Santayana, George (1863–1952) John Lachs 712

Sartre, Jean-Paul (1905–80) Gregory Mc Culloch 713

scepticism Peter D. Klein 714

scepticism, contemporary Peter D. Klein 715

scepticism, modern Richard Popkin 719

Schlick, Moritz (1882–1936) Andy Hamilton 722

scientia media 723

self-consciousness Vrinda Dalmiya 723

self-evidence Alan H. Goldman 723

self-knowledge and self-identity Sydney Shoemaker 724

self-presenting Alan H. Goldman 726

Sellars, Wilfrid (1912–89) Jay Rosenberg 727

sensation/cognition Fred Dretske 729

sense-data Alan H. Goldman 732

sensitivity and safety Duncan Pritchard 732

Sextus Empiricus Charlotte Stough 736

simplicity Elliott Sober 738

social sciences, epistemology of Fred D’Agostino 739

sociology of knowledge David Bloor 744

Socrates 747

solipsism Clive Borst 747

Spinoza, Benedict (also Baruch) (1632–77) Don Garrett 749

Stoic epistemology J. V. Allen 750

Strawson, Peter Frederick (1919–2006) P. F. Snowdon 753

strong programme David Bloor 754

Suárez, Francisco (1548–1617) Jorge J. E. Gracia 755

subjectivism Richard Foley 756

subjectivity Christopher Peacocke 758

supervenience 760

surprise examination paradox Roy A. Sorensen 760

T 763

tabula rasa R. S. Woolhouse 763

testimony Jennifer Lackey 763

theory Wesley C. Salmon 768

transcendental arguments A. C. Grayling 768

tripartite definition of knowledge Paul K. Moser 771

truth, theories of Paul Horwich 772

truths of reason/truths of fact David Blumenfeld 777

U 779

underdetermination of theory Christopher Hookway 779

use/mention Matthias Steup 779

V 780

verificationism Barry Stroud 780

Vico, Giambattista (1668–1744) Leon Pompa 780

Vienna Circle Andy Hamilton 782

W 783

Whitehead, Alfred North (1861–1947) Donald W. Sherburne 783

Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1889–1951) David Pears 783

Z 788

zebras and cleverly disguised mules Mylan Engel 788

Index 793


Jonathan Dancy is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Reading and the University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of
Introduction to
Contemporary Epistemology (Blackwell, 1985),
Berkeley (1987),
Moral Reasons (Blackwell, 1992) and
Ethics without Principles (2004).
Ernest Sosa is Board of Governors Professor at Rutgers University. He is the author of Epistemic Justification: Internalism vs. Externalism, Foundations vs. Virtues (together with Laurence Bon Jour) in the Wiley-Blackwell series Great Debates in Philosophy (2003), A Virtue Epistemology; Apt Belief and Reflective Knowledge, Volume I (2007), and Reflective Knowledge; Apt Belief and Reflective Knowledge, Volume II (2009). His publications also include his replies for the volume Sosa and His Critics (edited by John Greco, 2004) in the Wiley-Blackwell series Philosophers and Their Critics, as well as numerous articles.
Matthias Steup is Professor of Philosophy at Purdue University. He is the author of An Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology (1996) and many articles in epistemology. He edited Knowledge, Truth, and Duty: Essays on Epistemic Justification, Responsibility, and Virtue (2001), and he is co-editor with Ernest Sosa of Contemporary Debates in Epistemology (Blackwell, 2005).

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