Comprehensive guidance to support those involved in secondary education in developing the curriculum to meet the requirements of the new Ofsted (2019) framework.
This book addresses key issues such as the purpose of the curriculum, how to organise the curriculum, curriculum design, how to adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of all learners, and the balance between knowledge and skills. An important and topical chapter on decolonising the curriculum is also included. It goes beyond basic requirements, emphasizing the importance of a creative, pupil-centred and enquiry-based curriculum which is suited to the context of school communities. Responding to the increased emphasis on the quality of pupils’ education, the book supports trainees, teachers and school leaders in developing and implementing an ambitious and diverse curriculum, including working with all stakeholders and offering practical strategies and solutions. It empowers practitioners to reclaim the curriculum by designing one which reflects the values and context of the school.
Michael Green is an experienced educational professional and leader, driven by a commitment to improving the life chances of children and young people. He was until recently one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors. He has over 22 years of experience in his career in education, holding a number of senior positions in a range of educational and government settings. These include executive leadership within a large multi-academy trust as Director of Strategy and Projects, working for Ofsted as one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Education, leading initial teacher education and partnership development in higher education, working as a government advisor in the Department for Education on teacher workload, undertaking international advisory work on curriculum and teacher development and holding senior leadership positions within primary schools. He has also worked as a governor and has previously held several trustee positions. His areas of expertise include primary education, initial teacher education, policy development, English, advising on teacher workload, and learning outside the classroom.