Stroke is the most common cause of adult disability and is of increasing importance within ageing populations.
This brand new title in the ABC series covers the entire patient journey, from prevention through to long-term support. It includes primary prevention and management of risk factors for stroke and secondary prevention including pharmaceutical, lifestyle and surgical intervention. The general principles of stroke rehabilitation are also addressed as well as mobility, communication and psychological problems, as is stroke in younger people. It also covers long-term support for stroke survivors and their carers.
This is an invaluable and practical guide to all aspects of stroke for both health care professionals and lay audiences. It is of particular relevance to general practitioners, junior doctors, nurses and therapists working with stroke patients and their carers, and to people with stroke and their families.
This title is also available as a mobile App from Med Hand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from Google Play or the Med Hand Store.
Contributors vii
Preface ix
1 Introduction to Stroke 1
Jonathan Mant
2 Primary Prevention of Stroke 6
Jonathan Mant
3 Transient Ischaemic Attack 12
Jonathan Mant
4 Acute Stroke 16
Damian Jenkinson and Clare Gordon
5 Medical Complications of Stroke 22
Clare Gordon and Damian Jenkinson
6 Stroke Rehabilitation 27
Marion F Walker
7 Stroke in Younger People 31
Marion F Walker
8 Mobility 34
Marion F Walker
9 Communication and Swallowing 38
Pam Enderby
10 Psychological Problems after Stroke 41
Jane Barton
11 Secondary Prevention of Stroke 44
Duncan Edwards and Jonathan Mant
12 Long-term Support for Stroke Survivors and their Carers 49
Marion F Walker
Index 53
Jonathan Mant, Associate Director UK Stroke Research Network
and Professor of Primary Care Research, Addenbrooke’s
Hospital, University of Cambridge, UK
Marion F Walker, Associate Director UK Stroke Research
Network and Professor in Stroke Rehabilitation, University of
Nottingham, UK