Professor Drew’s latest work makes the case that even great public policy needs to be deliberately and strategically sold in order for it to ultimately be considered a success. However, it seems that most people charged with the task of selling public policy simply do not have the requisite skills to do so.
Selling public policy is an art that draws on disparate strands of scholarship spanning the political sciences, economics, sociology, ethics and the classics. To perform the art of selling public policy one must first master the lessons from the greats in the field. Following this, it is necessary to learn how to apply the knowledge to real-world complex scenarios in such a way that the policy is indeed sold and stays sold over the implied returns period.
This book is unique in the corpus of scholarly literature because it provides both the knowledge and real-world case studies required for students, scholars, and policy practitioners to master the art of selling public policy.
Introduction.- Public policy success: What constitutes a successful sale?- Rhetoric: Not just what is said, but also who says it and how.- Heresthetic: The craft of political manipulation.- Blame avoidance and weapons of mass-expertisation.- Evidence: Extraordinary claims require careful presentation of evidence.- Ethics: Right and wrong can be contestable.- Case studies.- Selling public policy in practice: Fiscal and monetary stimulus success?- Selling public policy in practice: Failure in Ukraine?- One more lesson and the future of selling public policy.
Joseph Drew is professor of local government economics at the institute for Regional Futures located within the University of Newcastle. Joseph is also adjunct professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University and visiting professor at Seoul National University. His principal research interests are the art of selling public policy, financial sustainability, performance monitoring, and natural law philosophy. He is the author of several books including: Reforming Local Government (2020), Saving Local Government (2022), and Natural Law and Government (2022).