As autoras
Dannah Gresh é autora e palestrante cristã. Em 1996 fundou Pure Freedom, uma organização que ensina as jovens sobre castidade. Também lidera uma organização que oferece educação de abstinência sexual na Zâmbia. Escreveu o livro E a noiva vestiu branco: sete segredos para a pureza sexual (Quadrangular, 2002) e é coautora, com Nancy Leigh De Moss, de Mentiras em que as garotas acreditam e a verdade que as liberta (Vida Nova, 2014). É também autora da série Secret keeper [Quem sabe guardar segredo] e de Pursuing the pearl [Em busca da pérola]. Vive em State College, Pensilvânia, EUA, com seu marido, Bob, e tem um filho e duas filhas.
Dr. Juli Slattery é uma conhecida psicóloga clínica, autora e palestrante. É presidente e cofundadora do ministério Authentic Intimacy (intimidade autêntica). Comanda um programa de rádio no qual responde a perguntas difíceis sobre relacionamentos, casamento, questões espirituais, emocionais e de intimidade sexual. Os livros de Juli incluem Passion Pursuit (Em busca da paixão), No More Headaches: Enjoying Sex and Intimacy in Marriage (Sem mais dores de cabeça: desfrutando de sexo e intimidade no casamento), Finding the Hero in Your Husband: Surrendering the Way God Intended (Encontrando o herói em seu marido: rendendo-se à maneira que Deus planejou). Juli é doutora em Psicologia e mestra em Psicologia pelo Florida Institute of Technology e pela Universidade Biola, e é graduada pelo Wheaton College. Ela e seu marido, Mike, vivem em Colorado Springs, Colorado, EUA, e têm três filhos.
14 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Juli Slattery
Jennifer Smith: Unveiled Wife
As a young bride, Jennifer Smith couldn’t wait to build her life with the man she adored. She dreamed of closeness, of being fully known and loved by her husband. But the first years of marriage were …
Juli Slattery: No More Headaches
Both husbands and wives can be extremely frustrated by the differences in sexual needs and expectations between them. This frustration manifests itself as fighting, resentment, feelings of either gui …
Juli Slattery: Beyond the Masquerade
Many Christian women today are wearing masks. From an early age, we are taught that to be valuable we need to do more, to be more. To feel worthy, we learn to hide behind the masks of our accomplishm …
Linda Dillow & Dr. Juli Slattery: Passion Pursuit
A Bible study about sex for women? Now that’s different!This new study, Passion Pursuit: What Kind of Love Are You Making?, lets God’s Word speak about sex as being holy and erotic, blessed by God, a …
Linda Dillow & Dr. Juli Slattery: En busca de la pasion
Un estudio bblico para la mujer sobre el sexo? Eso s que es diferente!Puede el sexo ser santo y erotico? Tiene Dios una opinion sobre el sexo? Que est permitido en la habitacion? Este desafiante y os …
Dannah Gresh & Dr. Juli Slattery: Pulling Back the Shades
Christian womendon’t have to choose between being sexual and spiritual. Theyhave legitimate longingsthatthe church has been afraid to talk about, and books like Fifty Shades of Greyexploit and distor …
Linda Dillow & Dr. Juli Slattery: Surprised by the Healer
The Healer is inviting you God’s word declares that there is healing for your deepest pains, hope for your biggest disappointments, and victory over your addictions, past hurts, and past failures. Hi …
Juli Slattery: 25 Questions You’re Afraid to Ask About Love, Sex, and Intimacy
Is ______ok in the bedroom?If I’m single, how far is too far?How do I get past my shame?Whether you are married or single, having great sex or no sex, your sexuality is inseparable from your spiritua …
Dr. Juli Slattery: Sex and the Single Girl
A study on sex that goes beyond just don’t do it. Sexuality is a hot topic these days, and opinions are all over the place. A resource offering simple ‘;do’s and don’ts’ won’t cut it. Sex and the Sin …
Juli Slattery: Finding the Hero in Your Husband, Revisited
In an update of the groundbreaking original title, Dr. Juli Slattery illuminates the power of women in marriage, with an emphasis on the uniqueness of a woman’s capacity to build intimacy.What do you …
Juli Slattery: God, Sex, and Your Marriage
Many Christian books talk about sexual issues within broader works on marriage, but few resources comprehensively and biblically guide couples specifically on sexual intimacy. God, Sex, and Your Marr …
Bev Hislop: Shepherding Women in Pain
A critical resource for anyone who wants to help women with the pressures, frustrations, and trauma they face Women today often have sources of tremendous pain in their lives such as infertility, div …
Joy Skarka & Juli Slattery: Her Freedom Journey
Women struggle too.We are all sexually broken. And we are all invited to participate in the love, forgiveness, and healing of Jesus. Have you ever experienced the fear and shame that follows the vort …
Brad Rhoads & Marilyn Rhoads: Grace Marriage
We live in a performance-based worldbut happy and hope-filled marriages thrive on grace. Marriage was God’s idea, so we know He designed it to be very, very good. But why do most marriages look disen …