Suelette Dreyfus and her co-author, Wiki Leaks founder Julian Assange, tell the extraordinary true story of the computer underground, and the bizarre lives and crimes of an elite ring of international hackers who took on the establishment.
Spanning three continents and a decade of high level infiltration, they created chaos amongst some of the world’s biggest and most powerful organisations, including NASA and the US military. Brilliant and obsessed, many of them found themselves addicted to hacking and phreaking. Some descended into drugs and madness, others ended up in jail.
As riveting as the finest detective novel and meticulously researched, Underground follows the hackers through their crimes, their betrayals, the hunt, raids and investigations. It is a gripping tale of the digital underground.
Dr Suelette Dreyfus is an award-winning writer and journalist. In addition to writing the first major book about computer hacking in Australia, Underground, she was the Associate Producer of a documentary about hackers. Her articles have appeared in magazines and newspapers such as The Independent, The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Australian. She begain work on Underground while completing her Ph D. She is a Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne, where she runs several major research projects in information systems.Julian Assange is an internet activist, journalist and publisher. Born and raised in Australia, Julian is the founder, spokesperson and editor in chief of Wiki Leaks, a whistleblower website that started in 2006. In 2010, Wiki Leaks begans to publish hundreds of thousands of classified details about American involvement in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, which created a media storm. At the end of 2010, the site published a series of classified US diplomatic cables, now known as Cablegate.