ผู้เขียน: Julie Coppens

Holly Brians Ragusa (she/her/hers) is an interdisciplinary writer, speaker and community activist based in Cincinnati. Author of Met the End (November 2022) and an Opinion contributor to the Cincinnati Enquirer, Brians Ragusa”s other publications include La Piccioletta Barca, Tiny Seed Literary Journal, The Well and On Being Mindful Poetry Project, Inside Out: A Trans Artist Project, and Earth Journal. She serves a range of nonprofits and lives in historic Over-the-Rhine, sharing space with her husband, mother, three cats, one dog, and (sometimes) two grown children. Her passions also include moon-gazing, seeking meaning, and mustard. hbragusa.com

1 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Julie Coppens

Holly Brians Ragusa: Met the End
  Met the End , a
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