Digital innovations influence every aspect of our lives in this increasingly technological world. Firms that pursue digital innovations must think carefully about how digital technologies shape the nature, process and outcomes of innovation as well as the long- and short-term social, economic and cultural consequences of their offerings. The Handbook contributes to building a transdisciplinary understanding of digital innovation by bringing together a diverse set of leading scholars from business, engineering, economics, science and public policy. Their distinct perspectives advance ideas and principles intended to set the agenda for future research on digital innovation in ways that inform not only firm-level strategies and practices but policy decisions and science-focused investments as well. The first of its kind, this Handbook provides scope and depth for scholars interested in information systems and digital technologies, innovation and entrepreneurship, strategy, and digital platforms and ecosystems. In addition, it is informative and enlightening to scholars and practitioners interested in the impact of digital technologies on organizations and the broader society. Contributors include: A. Aaltonen, C. Alaimo, E. Autio, N. Berente, C. Bubel, P.N. Courant, J. Cutcher-Gershenfeld, E.L. Echeverri-Carroll, A. Gawer, T.L. Griffith, V. Grover, J. Grudin, O. Henfridsson, S.L. Jarvenpaa, J. Kallinikos, M.J. Kim, J.L. King, R.J. Kulathinal, S. Kumar, K.A. Loparo, K. Lyytinen, A. Majchrzak, A. Malhotra, M.L. Markus, S. Nambisan, W. Nan, J.V. Nickerson, A. Pedraza-Avella, L.W. Rogowski, S. Seidel, L.D.W. Thomas, C. Velu, Y. Yoo, X. Zhang