Dr. Katherine Hennessey is Assistant Dean for Curriculum and Assistant Professor of English at the American University of Kuwait, where her scholarship focuses on theatre and cinema in the Arabian Gulf, Yemen, and Ireland. She has held academic appointments on the Palestinian West Bank and in Yemen and, before moving to Kuwait, was a Global Shakespeare Research Fellow at the University of Warwick and Queen Mary University of London and a Moore Institute Visiting Fellow at the National University of Ireland in Galway.
Hennessey is the author of numerous articles on the performing arts in Yemen and the Gulf. She is also co-editor, with Margaret Litvin, of the anthology Shakespeare in the Arab World (Berghahn, 2019); director of the short film Shakespeare in Yemen, which was screened in June 2018 at the Signature Theatre in New York City; and translator of Wajdi Al-Ahdal”s A Crime on Restaurant Street, the first Yemeni play to appear in English.
2 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Katherine Hennessey
Katherine Hennessey: Shakespeare on the Arabian Peninsula
Since the turn of the millennium, the Arabian Peninsula has produced a remarkable series of adaptations of Shakespeare. These include a 2007 production of Much Ado About Nothing, set in Kuwait in 189 …
Katherine Hennessey & Margaret Litvin: Shakespeare and the Arab World
Offering a variety of perspectives on the history and role of Arab Shakespeare translation, production, adaptation and criticism, this volume explores both international and locally focused Arab/ic a …