ผู้เขียน: Kelpie Wilson

Kelpie Wilson is a mechanical engineer and analyst with 35 years of experience in renewable energy, sustainable forestry, and resource conservation. She has worked in the biochar industry since 2008 and was a founding board member of the US Biochar Initiative. She manages the Biochar in the Woods network to promote biochar production in place to benefit native ecosystems. Kelpie researches and teaches techniques for using biochar in compost and manure management and presents many biochar workshops each year to farmers, foresters, and landowners. She owns a biochar consulting business, Wilson Biochar Associates, and sells her Ring of Fire Biochar Kilns through Wilson Biochar, LLC. She lives in rural Oregon, where she makes biochar compost and grows a large organic vegetable garden.

3 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Kelpie Wilson

Kelpie Wilson: Primal Tears
Johannes Lehmann & Kelli Roberts: Biochar Systems for Smallholders in Developing Countries
Biochar is the carbon-rich organic matter that remains after heating biomass under minimization of oxygen during a process called pyrolysis. Its relevance to deforestation, agricultural resilience, a …
Kelpie Wilson: The Biochar Handbook
With extensive research, real-world examples, and hands-on applications, this go-to guide offers a comprehensive look at the principles and practices of biochar—and all of its world-changing uses. Li …