In recent years the spatial turn in literary and cultural studies has opened up new ways of looking at the interactions among writers, readers, texts, and places. Geocriticism offers a timely new approach, and this book presents an array of concrete examples or readings, which also reveal the broad range of geocritical practices.
Foreword; B.Westphal Introduction: On Geocriticism; R.T.Tally Jr. PART I: GEOCRITICISM IN THEORY AND PRACTICE Geocriticism, Geopoetics, Geophilosophy, and Beyond; E.Prieto The Presencing of Place in Literature: Towards an Embodied Topopoetic Mode of Reading; S.Pultz Moslund PART II: PLACES, SPACES, TEXTS Redrawing the Map: An Interdisciplinary Geocritical Approach to Australian Cultural Narratives; P.Mitchell & J.Stadler Textual Forests: The Representation of Landscape in Latin American Narratives; M.Mercedes Ortiz Rodriguez Land of Racial Confluence and Spatial Accessibility: Claude Mc Kay’s Sense of Mediterranean Place; M.K.Walonen The Shores of Aphrodite’s Island: Cyprus and European Travel Memory; A.Eche Jefferson’s Ecologies of Exception: Geography, Race, and American Empire in the Age of Globalization; C.M.Battista PART III: TRANSGRESSIONS, MOVEMENTS, BORDER CROSSINGS Geopolitics, Landscape, and Guilt in Nineteenth-Century Colonial Literature; R.Weaver-Hightower ‘Amid all the maze, uproar and novelty’: The Limits of Other-Space in Sister Carrie; R.Collins Furrowing the Soil With His Pen: Derek Walcott’s Topography of the English Countryside; J.Johnson Global Positioning from Spain: Mapping Identity in African American Narratives of Travel; M.C.Ramos The Space of Transgression: A Geocritical Study of Albert Camus’s ‘The Adulterous Wife’; B.La Juez Affective Mapping in Lyric Poetry; H.Yeung
Robert T. Tally Jr. is Associate Professor of English at Texas State University, USA. He is the translator of Bertrand Westphal’s Geocriticism: Real and Fictional Spaces.