The result of over thirty years of research and lecturing, Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes is a ground-breaking study of Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians. Bailey examines this canonical letter through the lenses of Paul’s Jewish socio-cultural and rhetorical background and the Mediterranean context of the Corinthian recipients. In a set of connected essays, he draws the reader’s attention to the letter’s rootedness in the Hebrew prophetic tradition, the intentional theological structure of Paul’s epistolary organization and the Near Eastern cultural practices that inflect Paul’s rhetorical performance. All of this is brought to bear in teasing out the nature of Paul’s response to the critical situations facing the Corinthian community: racial, ethnic and theological divisions, sexual misconduct, intimate interaction with pagan practices and disputes about church practices.
Kenneth E. Bailey is an author and lecturer in Middle Eastern New Testament studies. An ordained Presbyterian minister, he also serves as Canon Theologian of the Diocese of Pittsburgh of the Episcopal Church, USA. He holds graduate degrees in Arabic language and literature, and in systematic theology; his Th D is in New Testament. He has written many books in English and in Arabic, including Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes and Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes, both published by SPCK.