Announcement of the 2016 Symposium
Klyne Snodgrass
North Park Theological Seminary Faculty Statement on Racism ‘Racial Realism’ in Biblical Interpretation and Theological Anthropology: A Systematic-Theological Evaluation of Recent Accounts
Elizabeth Y. Sung
Response to Sung
Valerie Landfair
Reimagining Koinonia: Confronting the Legacy and Logic of Racism by Reinterpreting Paul’s Letter to Philemon
Lewis Brogdon
Response to Brogdon
Al Tizon
The Bible’s Outrage at Blumenbach’s Babel: An Antiracist Hermeneutic for White Followers of Jesus
Kyle J. A. Small
Enemies, Romans, Pigs, and Dogs: Loving the Other in the Gospel of Matthew
Love L. Sechrest
Response to Sechrest
Rebecca Gonzalez
The Lynching of the Suffering Servant of Isaiah: Death at the Hands of Persons Unknown
Bo H. Lim
Response to Lim
Evelmyn Ivens
What’s Missing? Theological Musings on a Hermeneutics of Absence
Nestor Medina
Response to Medina
Bruce L. Fields
‘Lost in Translation: Ethnic Conflict in English Bibles’–The Gospels, ‘Race, ‘ and the Common English Bible: An Introductory and Exploratory Conversation
Emerson B. Powery
Response to Powery
Michael O. Emerson
An Indigenous Reinterpretation of Repentance
Raymond Aldred
Response to Aldred
Mark Tao
Truth Be Told: A Necessary Funeral Dirge in the Middle of Our Conversation
Soong-Chan Rah
Annotated Bibliography on Race and Racism
Presenters and Respondents
Ex Auditu–Volumes Available
Klyne Snodgrass is Paul W. Brandel Professor of New Testament Studies at North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois.