ผู้เขียน: Kolumban Hutter

Peter W. Egolf made an apprenticeship as a heating designer and studied at the University of Applied Sciences of Central Switzerland heating and air conditioning. After working in an industrial R&D laboratory, he studied physics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich). In 1984 he obtained his diploma in Dynamical Meteorology. Then he entered a R&D division at Gebrüder Sulzer AG in Winterthur, where he invented and investigated industrial air conditioning systems. At an advanced age he had the opportunity to make a Ph D in a Noble Laureate ’family’ in low-temperature physics (superfluidity). In 1989 Egolf introduced the Lagrange-Hamilton description of the free surface of quantum fluid He II. In 1990 he obtained his Ph D at ETHZ with an innovation award. In the late 1980’s he invented the Difference-Quotient Turbulence Model (DQTM). From 1990 on a ten years’ employment at the Swiss Federal Institute for Materials Testing and Research followed in the field ofenergy and buildings. In 1994 he entered the field of research on ice slurries. In 1998 Egolf created the International Working Party on Ice Slurries of the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) and was its first President. From 2000-2018 he was the head of the Theory and Numerics Division (SIT) of the Thermal Sciences Institute at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland. He initiated a second International Working Party of the IIR (on Magnetic Refrigeration), and for ten years he was serving as its President. Furthermore, he was awarded the first prices of the Swiss Technology Awards 1996 and 2006. Today, Peter W. Egolf is retired, however, he is still involved in the study of fundamental research on fractional turbulence and nonextensive thermodynamics of turbulence. He was a main organizer of eight international conferences. Egolf invented or co-invented a new melting/freezing model, an innovative storage device for ice slurries, a translucent solar thermal wall, an innovative decentralized air-conditioning system, a high-frequency magnetic refrigerator, a new hyper-thermia cancer treatment method with rotating nanowires, etc. You will find more information on his biography in numerous editions of Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in Science and Engineering and Who’s Who in America. Kolumban Hutter received a diploma in civil engineering in 1964 from ETH Zurich and a M. Sc. & Ph. Degree in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from Cornell University, Ithaca, New York in 1973. He has held the position of Professor of Mechanics at Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany from 1987-2006. Presently he is a guest scientist at the Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW), ETH Zurich and was from 2006-2009 a part time researcher at Academia Sinica, Taiwan. His research interests are in geophysical mechanics with applications in the dynamics of glaciers and ice sheets, the mechanics ofgranular materials, avalanching flows of snow, debris and mud, physical limnology and the foundations of continuum mechanics and thermodynamics. Kolumban Hutter is author and co-author of more than 400 papers (more than 300 peer reviewed) and has written or edited more than 20 books, among these are Theoretical Glaciology,   Continuum Methods of Physical Modeling (with K. Jöhnk)  Avalanche Dynamics (with S. P. Pudasaini)  Solid–Fluid Mixtures of Frictional Materials in Geophysical and Geotechnical Context (with L. Schneider),   Physics of Lakes (with Profs Y. Wang and I.Chubarenko, 3 volumes),   Fluid & Thermodynamics (with Prof Y. Wang, 2 volumes)  all  published by Springer-Verlag. He has also served as scientific editor of the Journal of Glaciology for 14 years and was the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics for 17 years. He is also the Founder and (now past) Editor-in-Chief of the Series “Advances in Geophysical and Environmental Mechanics” published by Springer Verlag. Kolumban Hutter was awarded the Max-Planck Prize of the Max-Planck Society and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany) in 1994, the Alexander von Humboldt Prize of the Foundation of Polish Science in 1998, and the Seligman Crystal of the International Glaciological Society in 2003. He lives retired in Zurich, Switzerland

21 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Kolumban Hutter

Kolumban Hutter & Irina P. Chubarenko: Physics of Lakes
The ongoing thread in this volume of Physics of Lakes is the presentation of different methods of investigation for processes taking place in real lakes with a view to understanding lakes as componen …
Kolumban Hutter & Yongqi Wang: Fluid and Thermodynamics
This first volume discusses fluid mechanical concepts and their applications to ideal and viscous processes. It describes the fundamental hydrostatics and hydrodynamics, and includes an almanac of fl …
Kolumban Hutter & Yongqi Wang: Fluid and Thermodynamics
In this book fluid mechanics and thermodynamics (F&T) are approached as interwoven, not disjoint fields. The book starts by analyzing the creeping motion around spheres at rest: Stokes flows, the Ose …
Kolumban Hutter & Yongqi Wang: Fluid and Thermodynamics
This third volume describes continuous bodies treated as classical (Boltzmann) and spin (Cosserat) continua or fluid mixtures of such bodies. It discusses systems such as Boltzmann continua (with tri …
S.P. Pudasaini & Kolumban Hutter: Avalanche Dynamics
Avalanches, debris, mudflows and landslides are common and natural phenomena that occur worldwide, predominantly in mountainous regions. With an emphasis on snow avalanches, this book sets out to pro …
Lukas Schneider & Kolumban Hutter: Solid-Fluid Mixtures of Frictional Materials in Geophysical and Geotechnical Context
Mixture concepts are nowadays used in a great number of subjects of the – ological, chemical, engineering, natural and physical sciences (to name these alphabetically) and the theory of mixtures has …
Kolumban Hutter & Yongqi Wang: Physics of Lakes
This first volume in the treatise on the Physics of Lakes deals with the formulation of the mathematical and physical background. A large number of lakes on Earth are described, presenting their morp …
Kolumban Hutter & Yongqi Wang: Physics of Lakes
The overwhelming focus of this 2nd volume of “Physics of Lakes” is adequately expressed by its subtitle “Lakes as Oscillators”. It deals with barotropic and baroclinic waves in homogeneous and strati …
Kolumban Hutter: Nonlinear Internal Waves in Lakes
Internal wave dynamics in lakes (and oceans) is an important physical component of geophysical fluid mechanics of ‘quiescent’ water bodies of the Globe. The formation of internal waves requires seaso …
Kolumban Hutter & Tsung-tsong Wu: From Waves In Complex Systems To Dynamics Of Generalized Continua: Tributes To Professor Yih-hsing Pao On His 80th Birthday
The book reviews recent research activities in applied mechanics and applied mathematics such as the fields of solid & fluid constitutive modeling for coupled fields, applications of geophysical & en …
Kolumban Hutter & Nataliya Stashchuk: Baroclinic Tides
Herbert Baaser & Kolumban Hutter: Deformation and Failure in Metallic Materials
This book is devoted to the deformation and failure in metallic materials, summarizing the results of a research programme financed by the "Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft". It presents the …
Kolumban Hutter & Nina Kirchner: Dynamic Response of Granular and Porous Materials under Large and Catastrophic Deformations
A "Sonderforschungsbereich" (SFB) is a programme of the "Deutsche For- schungsgemeinschaft" to financially support a concentrated research effort of a number of scientists located …
Kolumban Hutter & Thomas Stocker: Topographic Waves in Channels and Lakes on the f-Plane
The last one or two decades have witnessed an increased interest in to- pographic Rossby waves, both from a theoretical computational as well as an observational point of view. However, even though l …
Kolumban Hutter: Fluid- und Thermodynamik
Kolumban Hutter: Dynamik umweltrelevanter Systeme
Kolumban Hutter: Fluid- und Thermodynamik
Auf der Grundlage eines beiden Gebieten gemeinsamen Konzepts wird für Studenten der Physik und der Ingenieurwissenschaften eine Einführung in die Fluid- und Thermodynamik gegeben. Die Hydrodynamik um …
Kolumban Hutter & Klaus Johnk: Continuum Methods of Physical Modeling
This book is a considerable outgrowth of lecture notes on Mechanics of en- vironmentally related systems I, which I hold since more than ten years in the Department of Mechanics at the Darmstadt Univ …
Kolumban Hutter & Krzysztof Wilmanski: Kinetic and Continuum Theories of Granular and Porous Media
This book is an account on the thermomechanical behaviour of granular and porous materials and deals with experiments, theoretical deduction of macroscale equations by means of averaging from microsc …
Peter William Egolf & Kolumban Hutter: Nonlinear, Nonlocal and Fractional Turbulence
Experts of fluid dynamics agree that turbulence is nonlinear and nonlocal. Because of a direct correspondence, nonlocality also implies fractionality. Fractional dynamics is the physics related to fr …