Dr. L. M. Das is currently Professor at the Centre for Energy Studies, IIT Delhi. He took his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Regional Engineering College, Rourkela in 1970 and M. Tech degree from the, Kharagpur in 1972. Dr. Das completed his doctorate from IIT, Delhi in field of Mechanical Engineering. His primary areas of research interest include the development of alternative-fuelled low emission engine/vehicles. He has published more than 80 research papers in various independently refereed international and national journals in the area of alternative fuels such as Hydrogen, CNG, Biodiesel and Hydrogen- CNG blend.
Dr. Naveen Kumar is working as Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Delhi Technological University (formerly Delhi College of Engineering. Prof. Naveen Kumar did his B.E. from Dayal Bagh Educational Institute, Agra, M.Tech. from IIT Delhi and Ph.D. from the University of Delhi. He is a Fellow of Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FIMech E), UK; Fellow of Institution of Engineers (FIE), India and Charted Engineer, Engineering Council, UK. His research interests include; alternative fuels with special emphasis on biofuels, decentralized energy systems, renewable energy, waste recycling and sustainable development. Prof. Kumar possesses 27 years of experience in academics, industry, and research. He has published more than 90 research papers in international journals of repute and more than 100 in Indian journals and conferences.
Dr. Rohit Singh Lather is currently Associate Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department. He graduated in 2005 with a bachelor of mechanical engineering from Kurukshetra University. He post-graduated in Automotive Engineering from Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) and Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) in 2008. Dr. Rohit Singh Lather earned a Ph D, in Energy Studies from Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) Delhi in 2014. His general area of research includes Energy and alternative energy, automotive engineering and thermal systems. In particular, his areas of specialization include engine development, alternative fuels (CNG, HCNG, Hydrogen, and Biofuels), emission reduction, combustion diagnostics, and electric vehicles. He has several peer-reviewed international and national Journal publications and conference proceedings.
Dr Pramod Bhatia, who has completed his Ph D (in Mechanical Engineering) from Purdue University, USA; Master’s from the University of Illinois, USA and BTech from IIT Delhi, is currently working as Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering for last nine years. Prior to joining NCU, he worked as a consultant for two years in the USA. His areas of specialization are Computational Fluid Dynamics and Combustion. Apart from his administrative and research responsibilities, Dr Bhatia is actively involved in teaching Combustion and Flames, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Machines, Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Introduction to Mechanical and Production Engineering, Basics of Mechanical Engineering and Thermodynamics. He has 20 journal publications, 12 conference publications and one book to his credit. He is currently guiding two Ph D scholars.
2 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย L. M. Das
L. M. Das & Naveen Kumar: Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering
This book consists of select proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (ICETMIE) 2019. It covers current trends in thermal, design, indus …
L. M. Das & Abhishek Sharma: Recent Trends in Thermal Engineering
This book presents select proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering (ICCEMME 2021). It gives an overview of recent developmen …