We can’t plan our circumstances, but we can plan our perspective on how we live through those circumstances.
With gut-level vulnerability and boundless cheering, Honey, Check It! lives to lock arms with anyone who has experienced any happy and hard times in this life. Lauren White experienced first hand that even with her lipstick on and shoulders held back in an outward display of ‘I’m fine. Everything’s good’, life still takes lousy dips as hurt and struggle are unavoidable. She has yet to find any shade of lip color that can fully mask the wounds that we all carry. Financial challenges, illnesses, loss of loved ones, fear of failing, messy relationships, global chaos, and our perception of what others think, can all lead us to our forehead in our palms and asking ‘What next?’ For those of us who believe in the God of the universe, we can even start to question His goodness and positioning as He seems to have vanished off of our life’s grid.
Through sore-cheek-smiles and tear-filled eyes, Lauren invites you to . . .
- take a deep breath and fully embrace the fact that you are never alone in the good and not-so-good days of your life
- diligently find and remember God in your happy and hard times
- smile and relax your shoulders as you discover that you can simultaneously view joy and sorrow in the same lens
Dive into Honey, Check It! for a journey of shifting perspective. Cradled in waves that are thought-provoking and full of laughter, you will grasp a reality to behold life through lenses of Biblical truth, love, hope, and worth.
Table of Contents
Foreword by Bob Goff
Introduction: Our Perspective Is Everything
Part 1: Preamble
1. It’s Science, Y’all
2. Psalm 77
3. A Touch More Science
4. The Big Check
Part 2: Breathable Enhancements
5. Why?
6. Tinkerbell and Eeyore
7. For You I Will
8. Synchronized Swimming
9. Lenses of Love
10. Option A and B
Part 3: Painful Enhancements . . . With a Present God
11. A Stalled Shark
12. Worst-Case Scenario
13. Propelled by Community
14. Where’s the Playbook?
15. Say What?
16. Bring in the Medics
Part 4: Enhancements Through A Refined Perspective
17. Comfortably Numb
18. Fly Like an Eagle
19. Glamourous Scars
20. Thankful for the Sun and Jesus
21. Aha! I See!
22.Honey, Yes You Can
A Note from Lauren
End Notes
About the Author
After practicing law for 25 years, then becoming the Honorary Consul to Uganda, he gave up his law firm to pursue writing and speaking full time. The best part has been connecting with so many people who are on a terrific adventure as well.Bob is the author of the newly released New York Times best-seller, Undistracted as well as the NYT bestselling books Love Does, Everybody Always, and Dream Big. He is the Honorary Consul to the Republic of Uganda, an attorney, and the founder of Love Does-a nonprofit human rights organization operating in India, Uganda, Nepal, Somalia, Afghanistan, USA, Congo and Dominican Republic. He’s a lover of balloons, cake pops, and helping people pursue their big dreams.