This is a lengthy, but exciting
novel of how a promising young boy becomes molded into a horrific
individual. It explains about the
persons life in such detail, that emotions literally explode into a wavering
array of uninterruptible events. Leading to endless scenes of inhumane atrocities. Feeding on this
individuals frail and developing psyche.
ALLEN SHAW: The chainsaw man,
became what all people would come to fear the most. Something out of our
darkest dreams. Driven solely by an incurable rage inflicted on him by a mixture of
influences. Taking
the reader directly into the mind of this gruesome monster of a man who carries
a chainsaw. Dwelling
in the famed BIG THICKET or Texas. This novel will
take one literally back to a time in the 1960s 1970s; Its drastically
differed ways of thinking, and ways of life.
Where the great American landscapes were still fiercely ever in
tact. Its
values, and ways of conversing with all that is inside. Its ways of being.
A literally
terrifying novel where one is chased forever in this thick tangle of
jungle-like Texas land. A blood
encrusted warrior who does the unspeakable.
It will undoubtedly frighten, but it will equally reveal a heartfelt
pain that is very real among most of us.
The need to be loved and accepted.
This torture survivor remembers a
different place: a different time. It is told now in the long gone genr of a good old fashioned horror/slash thriller that WE
of the 70s know and will fondly recall.
I take the reader by the hand and lead him into my world. Where the realities that
men do onto unsuspecting others.
The horrific impact following. The literal mental state that thrives ever so fluently in the
collective unconscious of modern man.
Never forget that he is stalking you!
Dont go in the woods alone . .
. The CHAIN SAW MAN is coming!!
For the chain saw man will
forever live in infamy . . . In the back woods of us all.
Lama Rimpoche, Milkweed L. Augustine is now
continuing her said education of the mortuary sciences in Massasoit Community
College in Brockton,
Massachusetts. The dying author still ensplendours
her audience with “thrills” of Godly interventions, and to write about the rebuttles of life; Mainly those
that she has suffered. Writing the CHAIN SAW MAN at the age of thirty in
1997 following a recent victimization and forced terrorism in 1996, the young
religious leader, pursued more actions against those individuals who commit
such deplorable acts. Now, the age of
37, and still going strong, although failing in medical health, the author
attempts to bring to light as she has in her first published success, ETERNAL I.V. POLE, the full extent of
the aftermath of putrid individuals as these.
Speaking and teaching in her
college on the podium, all listen to this dying “teacher” from another era, and
an alternate human perception. Still
fulfilling her lifelong dream; To become a licensed
embalmer. Yet while doing so, she takes
us back to a simpler time, and a way of love that just cannot be denied. The dying author, although
waning in her medical health, seems not in the slightest deterred by her early
demise, as she teaches her fellow students that “death is nothing to fear.” Continuing, she says, “It is through an avid
belief in God that will achieve a tangible, and often hazy understanding of the
state for the continuation in the search for the eternal truth; That be God. I will
teach this until I lie in my beautiful white casket.” Lama Milkweed Augustine strives to make the
most “feared” profession; a place of live, gentleness, and where agonies are
well understood, as well as confided. In
her college, she is known as, “THE DYING EMBALMER” from her paper read on the
podium; A paper explaining not only the dignified
profession of the mortuary, but just what it is like to look at it through the
eyes of one who is dying . . . The “embalmer.”