Many believers feel bombarded by new ministry programs and trendy "systems" for improving their walk with God. But living as a Christian is both simpler and deeper than a never-ending list of how-tos. The 3 Loves offers readers the chance to rediscover what it means to follow Jesus . . . no unnecessary frills, no complicated program–just loving God, loving His people, and loving the broken world. From the earliest days of the church, these three loves have together been the bedroc...
Many believers feel bombarded by new ministry programs and trendy "systems" for improving their walk with God. But living as a Christian is both simpler and deeper than a never-ending list of how-tos. The 3 Loves offers readers the chance to rediscover what it means to follow Jesus . . . no unnecessary frills, no complicated program–just loving God, loving His people, and loving the broken world. From the earliest days of the church, these three loves have together been the bedrock of a solid, unfaltering walk with God. The authors look closely at the early church’s focus on the three fundamental motivations, recounted in the New Testament. They share personal stories about their own rediscovery of basic Christianity as well as testimonies from many others who have deepened their three-pronged love. Also included are exercises and tools to help readers begin to practice the three loves, through intimate prayer, making disciples, and sharing their faith. Readers will understand and experience how the three loves are inextricably entwined–loving God, loving the church, and loving the broken world are the heart of Christianity.