A complete road map for word knowledge instruction in Pre K-2, this book focuses on developing the word recognition and phonics skills identified in the Common Core standards for foundational skills. It offers clear-cut instructions for assessing students’ stages of word knowledge development–emergent, beginning, or transitional–and their specific instructional needs. Chapters on each developmental stage are packed with effective learning activities and strategies, plus guidance for fitting them into the classroom day. Of special value, online-only appendices provide purchasers with more than 50 reproducible assessment and instructional tools, ready to download and print in a convenient 8 1/2′ x 11′ size.
1. An Introduction to Word Recognition: What You Need to Know about How Words Work2. Assessing Word Knowledge: A Comprehensive Look at the Word Knowledge Zone3. The Emergent Reader and Writer: Building Foundational Skills That Facilitate Word Learning4. The Emergent Reader’s Toolkit: Activities and Student Strategies5. The Beginning Reader and Writer: Building a Bank of Known Words6. The Beginning Reader’s Toolkit: Activities and Student Strategies7. The Transitional Reader and Writer: Building Automatic Word Knowledge for Fluency8. The Transitional Reader’s Toolkit: Activities and Student Strategies
Latisha Hayes, Ph D, is Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education at the University of Virginia, where she teaches courses on the diagnosis and remediation of reading difficulties. She also works with preservice and inservice teachers at the Mc Guffey Reading Center, which provides students across the grades with diagnostic and tutoring services. As a special educator and reading specialist, Dr. Hayes has taught students with reading disabilities in the primary through middle grades. Her interests have focused on supporting struggling readers through university-based programs and partnerships.Kevin Flanigan, Ph D, is Professor in the Literacy Department at West Chester University of Pennsylvania (WCU). He works in the WCU Reading Center along with master’s students to assess and teach children who struggle to read and write. A former middle-grades classroom teacher and reading specialist/coach, Dr. Flanigan researches and writes about developmental word knowledge and struggling readers.