The consequences of advertising on the social life of the community has been a much-discussed topic in recent years. Advertising as a means of influencing the thought and behaviour of masses of people involves the application of such fundamental aspects of psychology as attention, motivation, memory, association, suggestion, volition, and so on.
Modern advertising presents its message in a variety of forms: attracting, informing, reminding, suggesting and impelling us many times during the course of any single day. To what extent advertising influences our tastes, preferences and purchases may be gauged by the number of things we buy directly or indirectly as the result of reading advertisements.
In this volume the main interest is the study of public reaction to various advertising appeals. The advertising aspect of psychology involves the study of man’s conscious and near-conscious activities. What goes on his mind when he is attracted by something he sees and reads in an advertisement or poster? This question Advertising and Psychology attempts to answer. Dealing as it does with so complex and fascinating a theme, this book’s purpose is to provide an introductory outline in a manner intelligible to both the student and the general reader.
First published in 1954.