“Dark, surreal, and imaginative, Lincoln Michel’s short story collection Upright Beasts is full of surprises at every turn.” —Buzz Feed Children go to school long after all the teachers have disappeared, a man manages an apartment complex of attempted suicides, and a couple navigates their relationship in the midst of a zombie attack. In these short stories, we are the upright beasts, doing battle with our darker, weirder impulses as the world collapses around us. “The world presented in Michel’s admirable debut collection is similar to our own, yet twisted just enough to feel strange . . . Michel frequently knocks his brief bursts of prose out of the park.” —Publishers Weekly “[R]emarkable . . . A strong debut.” —Kirkus Reviews “Deadpan and life affirming, the stories in this genre-bending debut veer from an apartment complex for the suicidal to a ghostly artists’ colony to the innards of wild things.” —O, The Oprah Magazine “Michel’s writing is both approachable and inspiring. You read [these stories], and you want to write them.” —Lawnchair Boys
Our Education
If It Were Anyone Else
The River Trick
The Room inside My Father’s Room
Little Girls by the Side of the Pool
Everybody Who’s Anybody
New Game
Our New Neighborhood
The Deer in Virginia
Filling Pools
Halfway Home to Somewhere Else
Some Notes on My Brother’s Brief Travels
What You Need to Know about the Weathervane
Things Left Outside
Lawn Dad
The Mayor’s Plan
Whale Belly
And That Is How They Found Me
The Soldier
The Head Bodyguard Holds His Head in His Hands
My Life in the Bellies of Beasts
What We Have Surmised about the John Adams Incarnation
Dark Air
Getting There Nonetheless
A Note on the Type
Lincoln Michel is the online editor of
Electric Literature and the coeditor of
Gigantic. His work has appeared in
Tin House, NOON, the Believer, American Short Fiction, Pushcart Prize XXXIX, and elsewhere. He was born in Virginia and lives in Brooklyn, NY.