Set in the future when Earth has become heavily over-populated, advances in space travel led to the discovery of Eden, an earth-like planet. Colonisation is progressing but the majority of the settlers are men and the need for more women has become urgent. Some willing women are persuaded to move to Eden to redress the balance.
Beth is one such woman who has elected to live with four brothers. Each brother is uniquely different. The eldest, Luke, has emotional scars and maintains a discreet distance, which only draws Beth closer.
The Eden natives are feline in appearance, affectionate and fun-loving. They have no discernable language or technology and are regarded merely as highly developed animals. They are particularly drawn to Beth and with their aid, she manages to solve the riddle Luke represents.
Born in London during the second world war, Linda was saved from their bomb-damaged house during an air-raid by her quick thinking aunt. Possibly from the shracknel scatches, she developed a rare blood disorder which led to her spending parts of her childhood in hospital. Being restricted to genteel activities allowed her to indulge in her passion for literature and develop great skills with handicrafts.
At the age of 17, Linda met Derek, a handsome young policeman, the intended blind date for her best friend. Her friend was unwell on that evening and the relationship between Linda and Derek blossomed. They married a couple of years later and had two daughters. Derek left the police force and they jointly embarked on careers in the care profession.
After seventeen years as a care home manager and with their children grown up, Linda was able to devote more time to the activities that she enjoyed; this included enroling on a writers’ course which unleashed her literary skill. Having several short stories and articles published inspired Linda to write The Angel.
Linda is now retired and lives in Gloucester with Derek, her still very handsome husband. She remains very active within the community and is assistant District Commisioner for the Brownie Guides.