Designing a Vacation Bible School program, as opposed to choosing one of the many off-the-shelf packages, is a labor of love. It considers the unique perspective of children and invests accordingly. It’s a home-cooked meal compared to fast food. It sends a message to parents that a church values children enough to identify and meet their specific needs in their community at a particular moment in time. Well-designed VBS programs speak to children with respect, love, and patience, offering opportunity for authentic spiritual growth, not to mention an intentional theology that is reflective of the church. Finally, custom-designed VBS programs are a way to fully include children in the mission and ministry of the church rather than confine their unique gifts.
This book provides Christian educators with the tools they need to assess the needs and resources in their congregation, and to craft a creative program in response to that assessment. The Best VBS Workbook Ever offers direction and suggestions on theme, structure, logistics, program, activities, staffing and promotion.
Part I: The Vision
Chapter 1: The First Decision
Chapter 2: Know Your Congregation
Chapter 3: Know Your Audience
Chapter 4: Know Your Goals
Chapter 5: Know Your Theme
Part II: Executing the Vision
Chapter 6: Planning and Logistics
Chapter 7: Getting the Word Out
Chapter 8: Planning a Budget
Chapter 9: Registration Goals for Campers and Staff
Chapter 10: Building a Staff
Chapter 11: Sign ‘Em Up! Getting Children Registered
Part III: Living Into the Vision
Chapter 12: Bringing Your Theme to Life
Chapter 13: The Opening Gathering
Chapter 14: Young Children and Their Needs
Chapter 15: Choosing Bible Stories and Activities
Chapter 16: Music Activities
Chapter 17:Arts and Crafts Activities
Chapter 18: Prayer, Worship, and Sacred Spaces
Chapter 19: Performing Arts
Chapter 20: Games
Chapter 21: Snacks and Cooking Activities
Chapter 22: Non-Craft Project and Activities
Chapter 23: Maker Movement Projects
Chapter 24: Decorations and Sets
Chapter 25: T-Shirts and Swag
Part IV: The Vision Becomes a Reality
Chapter 26: Building a Schedule
Chapter 27: Your Staff
Chapter 28: Staff Training and Certification
Chapter 29: Emergency Preparedness
Chapter 30: Off-Site Transportation and Safety Training
Chapter 31: VBS: A Typical Day
Chapter 32: Continuing the Relationship
Conclusion: Launch
Appendix A: A Suggested Planning and Publicity Schedule
Appendix B: You’ll Know the Right Theme When It Happens
Appendix C: Building Sets and Decoration Ideas
Appendix D: Safeguards for Children and Youth
Lisa Brown is the former Director of Children’s Ministry and Communications Coordinator at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Mt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Now a digital missionary for Membership Vision, she helps people find God in the digital space. Shepherding children and young people is her passion, and she has witnessed the profound experiential learning that occurs when children are fully engaged in an immersive program. She wants to share with other educators the techniques that she used to craft learning opportunities so that they can deeply engage children in faith formation. In addition to designing her own VBS programming, Brown has created Sunday school and confirmation programs, nursery school lessons, and Girl Scout and Boy Scout Camporees. She is also the co-founder of the Color ME Pittsburgh collaborative art installation.