Dr Lisa Mosconi, Ph D, is the director of the Women's Brain Initiative and the associate director of the Alzheimer's Prevention Clinic at Weill Cornell Medical College, where she serves as associate professor of Neuroscience in Neurology and Radiology. She also is an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry at NYU School of Medicine. Formerly she was the director of the Nutrition & Brain Fitness lab, and led the Family History of Alzheimer's disease research program at the NYU Department of Psychiatry. She is a board-certified integrative nutritionist and holistic healthcare practitioner.
8 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Lisa Mosconi
Lisa Mosconi: Brain Food
A call to action to prevent a brain health crisis – does for diet what Why We Sleep does for sleep ‘I cannot recommend this book enough’ – Dr Rupy Aujla, author of The Doctor’s Kitchen We often talk …
Lisa Mosconi: The XX Brain
Women are far more likely than men to suffer from anxiety, depression, migraines, brain injuries, strokes and Alzheimer's disease. But, until recently, scientific research has focused on 'b …
Dr. Lisa Mosconi: Das weibliche Gehirn
Frauen leiden häufiger als Männer an Migräne, Depressionen, Schlaganfällen – und doppelt so oft an Alzheimer. Woran liegt das? Wie unterscheidet sich das weibliche vom männlichen Gehirn? Die Neurowis …
Lisa Mosconi: Yizha dlya mozku
Нaш мoзoк — ocoбливий opгaн. Йoгo poбoтa бeзпocepeдньo зaлeжить вiд їжi, яку ми cпoживaємo. Oднaк пopaди, якi ми щoдня бaчимo в iнтepнeтi, чacтo cупepeчливi й нeпocлiдoвнi. Oднoгo дня ми читaємo, щo …
Lisa Mosconi: The Menopause Brain
'Thank you, Dr Mosconi' Davina Mc Call 'I had never really fathomed how hormonal changes impact the brain until I read The Menopause Brain' Gwyneth Paltrow 'The Menopause Bra …
Lisa Mosconi: O cérebro e a menopausa
Autora best-seller do New York Times, dra. Lisa Mosconi desmistifica a menopausa e a apresenta como uma oportunidade para melhorar a saúde do seu cérebro. A menopausa continua sendo uma incógnita par …
Lisa Mosconi: Das Gehirn in der Menopause
Du bist nicht verrückt, das sind die Hormone Menopause und Perimenopause sind noch immer ein Thema, über das viele Ärztinnen und Ärzte sehr wenig wissen. Frauen fühlen sich deswegen oft allein gelass …
Lisa Mosconi: Menopausia y cerebro
La menopausia y la perimenopausia siguen siendo un misterio para la mayoría de los médicos, dejando a las pacientes frustradas al enfrentarse a síntomas que van desde los sofocos y el insomnio hasta …