ผู้เขียน: M. C. Nauttyal

MADAN LAL DEWAN (Ph.D. Cornell), a Soil Scientist and Watershed Management Expert with experience of nearly half a century, was with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations in various capacities. On retirement from there in 1983 he took keen interest in the conservation of the Himalayas and has been working there since. He is also working for the economic development of the Himalayan communities and has set up his base in Ranichauri near the Hill Campus of G.B. Pant Agriculture University. Dr. Dewan is a Resource Person to the Hill Campus and Adviser for the Himalayan Programmes of Trees for Life, a charitable voluntary organization founded by a non-resident Indian with programmes to green the countryside and alleviate hunger amongst the population. Dr. Dewan has written a number of books, latest being Peoples Participation in Himalayan Eco-System Development and has many books and papers to his credit. He has participated in many an international fora. DR. M.C. NAUTIYAL received his Ph.D. in Horticulture from the U.P. Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Kanpur, in 1976. He has served several Government and semi-Government organizations and is currently working as Senior Scientist (Horticulture) at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Hill Campus, Ranichauri, Tehri Garhwal, U.P. During his 20 years’ experience in the field of horticulture, he has contributed in developing the improved orchard management systems for the Himalayas. He has successfully piloted the project Expansion in the area of fruit trees through exploitation of indigenous species sponsored by the Department of Environment, Government of India. He was assigned to DPR of Korea during 1989 on deputation mission under the Indo-DPRK Work Plan 1988-89. Dr. Nautiyal has more than 80 publications of national and international repute to his credit. His writings reveal rich experience. DR. V.K. SAH obtained his D. Phil, from Garhwal University, Srinagar, in 1982. His field of study has been the inter-relationship between temperate vegetation and Himalayan eco-system. Currently he is giving consultancy service to the voluntary organizations and the peasantry of the Himalayan zone, with special reference to nursery management techniques for forest species of economic and social importance. He has over 20 research papers to his credit.

1 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย M. C. Nauttyal

M. L. Dewan & M. C. Nauttyal: Nut Fruits for the Himalayas
This book studies the nature and depth of stagnation of the Chinese economy under central planning, which compelled them to embrace market mechanism. Putting together pieces of information from origi …