This book examines the various channels and transmission mechanisms, such as greater openness to trade and foreign investment, economic growth, effects on income distribution, technology transfer and labour migration through which the process of globalization affects different dimensions of poverty in the developing world.
PART 1: OVERVIEW Overview; M.Nissanke & E.Thorbecke Channels and Policy Debate in the Globalization-Inequality-Poverty Nexus; M.Nissanke & E.Thorbecke PART 2:THE GLOBALIZATION OPENNESS-GROWTH-INEQUALITY-POVERTY NEXUS AND CHANNEL The Relationship between Income Inequality, Poverty and Globalization; A.Heshmati Globalization and Poverty Trends across Regions: The Role of Variation in the Income and Inequality Elasticities of Poverty; A.Kalwij & A.Verschoor Looking Beyond Averages in the Trade and Poverty Debate; M.Ravallion Globalization and Rural Poverty; P.Bardhan Globalization, Production, and Poverty; R.Jenkins PART 3: OTHER CHANNELS IN THE GLOBALIZATION-POVERTY RELATIONSHIP: TECHNOLOGY, VULNERABILITY, FLOW OF INFORMATION, INSTITUTIONS The Role of Information in Technology Adoption under Poverty; J.Zhao Trade Openness and Vulnerability in Central and Eastern Europe; P.Montalbano, A.Federici, U.Triulzi & C.Pietrobelli Globalization, Poverty, Inequality, and Insecurity: Some Insights from the Economics of Happiness; C.Graham Explaining Threshold Effects of Globalization on Poverty: An Institutional Perspective; A.Sindzingre Globalization, Poverty and Inequality: What is the Relationship? What Can be Done? K.Basu
PRANAB BARDHAN Professor of Economics, University of California, Berkeley, USA KAUSHIK BASU Professor of Economics, C. Marks Professor of International Studies and Director, Comparative Economic Development Program, Cornell University, USA ALESSANDRO FEDERICI University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Italy CAROL GRAHAM Senior Fellow, Economic Studies Program, Brookings Institution and Professor, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, USA ALMAS HESHMATI Visiting Professor of Economics, Seoul National University, Korea RHYS JENKINS Professor of Economics, School of Development Studies, University of East Anglia, UK ADRIAAN KALWIJ Lecturer, Utrecht School of Economics, Utrecht University, The Netherlands PIERLIUIGI MONTALBANO Post-doc Research Fellow, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Italy CARLO PIETROBELLI Professor of Economics, University of Rome 3, Italy MARTIN RAVALLION Senior Advisor, Poverty and Inequality Programme, Research Department, the World Bank, USA ALICE SINDZINGRE Research Associate and Visiting Lecturer, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK UMBERTO TRIULZI Full Professor of Economic Policy, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ and Scientific Director of IPALMO (Institute for the Relations between Italy and Africa, Latin America and Middle East), Italy ARJAN VERSCHOOR Lecturer in Economics, School of Development Studies, University of East Anglia, UK JINHUA ZHAO Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Iowa State University, USA