Through comparative studies of aid-supported infrastructure projects in East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, the book examines how aid could assist development processes by facilitating development of local endogenous institutions.
1. Institutional Evolution through Development Cooperation: An Overview; Machiko Nissanke and Yasutami Shimomura 2. Shifting Grounds in Aid Relationships and Effectiveness Debate: Implications for Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa; Machiko Nissanke 3. The Eastern Seaboard Development Plan and Industrial Cluster in Thailand: A Quantitative Overview; Fumiharu Mieno 4. The Eastern Seaboard Development Plan of Thailand: Institutional Aspects of the Challenges and Responses; Yasutami Shimomura 5. ODA and Economic Development in Vietnam: An Assessment on the Transfer of Intangible Resources; Tran Van Tho and Nguyen Anh Duong 6. Brantas River Basin Development Plan of Indonesia; Koji Fujimoto 7. Institutional Comparative Study of Brantas and Kilimanjaro Development Programmes and its Policy Implications; Kazuto Tsuji 8. China: From an Aid Recipient to an Emerging Major Donor; Takaaki Kobayashi
Koji Fujimoto, Japan Takaaki Kobayashi, JICA Research Institute, Japan Fumiharu Mieno, Kyoto University, Japan Anh Duong Nguen, Central Institute for Economic Management, Vietnam Van Tho, Waseda University, Japan Kazuto Tsuji International Development at Saitama University, Japan