Cancer of the Testis covers the complete field of testis cancer including the germ cell tumors and the stromal tumors, from epidemiology to new chemotherapeutic agents and schedules, throughout genetic features, risk factors, risk adapted treatments, role of different types of surgery and special clinical situations. Special attention is focused on fertility issues, late effects of the primary therapy and the economical aspects of the different treatment policies.
This book is the state-of-the-art reference text on testis cancer and is an essential resource for all urologists, medical oncologists and radio-oncologists.
Histological Classification and Pathology of Testicular Tumors.- Risk Factors and Genetical Characterization.- Primary Non-Germ Cell Tumors of the Testis.- Staging and Prognostic Systems.- Testicular Tumor Markers.- Radical Orchiectomy and Testis Sparing Procedures for the Management of Germ Cell Tumors.- CIS and Bilateral Cancer: Clinical Presentations and Diagnostics.- Diagnostic and Therapeutic Laparoscopic Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection: The American View.- Laparoscopic Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection for Stage I and II: The European View.- Radiographic Diagnosis and Staging.- Treatment of Non-Seminoma: Stage I.- Treatment of Patients with Stage II A/B and Advanced Nonseminomatous Germ Cell Tumors.- Treatment of Seminoma: Stage I.- Stage II Seminoma and Advanced Disease.- Treatment of Relapse.- Post-Chemotherapy Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection.- Surgical Resection at Other Sites.- Extra Gonadal Germ Cell Tumors.- New Systemic Therapies for Refractory Tumors.- Management of Late Relapse.- Testicular Cancer: Late Effects of Treatment.- Fertility Issues.- Follow-Up after Primary Treatment.- Testicular Cancer in Childhood.